Gemheart Dwarves Ethnicity in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Gemheart Dwarves

Gemheart Dwarves are an ethnicity of dwarves native to the planet Ahno in Mirrorspace. They are so named for their skill and craftsmanship with precious gemstones that infuse nearly all elements of their culture, art, and rune magic.   Living in the eastern edges of the Expanse Desert and the southern mountains of the Unyielding Stone in Ioya, Gemheart dwarves are numerous but possess no nation of their own. Instead, their number is predominately split between the Kingdom of Deadcrest, the Dirongulf Theocracy, Sunfalia, and the Glom Union, and only in the latter of these do the dwarves possess any notable political power of their own.   In recent decades, there have been increased calls for the various Gemheart clans to band together and form a nation of their own, but these beliefs are not universal.
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