The Festival of Renodus's Heart Tradition / Ritual in The Sorrow of Souls Quartet | World Anvil
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The Festival of Renodus's Heart

The date for their marriage was set, and the decree sent out: the Star-Chosen Roi and his bride would be wed on the anniversary of the Firestorm and the destruction of the de Créquy mansion by the Celestial Messenger, the star Renodus. The celebration that was held in Cazilhac was the greatest spectacle ever designed by man. Fire-arrows lit the sky in honour of the fiersome Firestorm; a cannon was fired across the city walls, heralding cries of, "RENODUS RETURNS!" from the cheering crowds, who watched its glittering journey from the ground below.
— An extract from The Chronical of the Star-Chosen Rois
  The Festival of Renodus's Heart is one of the only a handful of festivals to survive within the Saeric Basin from the Hubraic Era.  


  • Genesis: Every year since the the Firestorm, the Lormontai royal archers have created a display of shoot volleys of fire-arrows into the huge lake in the palace grounds. This has expanded to displays in other smaller lakes in public parks.
  • Evolution: While fire-arrow displays are still popular, these are now supplemented with firework displays, with cascading showers of 'stars' falling from the skies.
  • Issues: Trees in the royal and public parks have been known to set fire, and areas of festivities have had to be evacuated. Lormontai immigrants living in other Saeric countries have also been arrested for lighting fireworks in city squares. In Kredashmi, the Festival is a time when fire-burning arrows are often sent flying into the fountains Rykfontein.

Meteorite Brawls

Dragon tooth and claw, Vsevolod! You poor man - you're bleeding! I... What? Me? Fire burn me, man! That little meteorite must have dealt you a worse blow to the head than I thought. But of course I saw the brute that threw it. On my mother's sarcophagal vial, it was a youth from that gaggle of sodden acolytes. Rest assured, my dear friend, they ran off when I shook my fist at them.
— The Kredasene Ambassador to Lormont to the Raskvaerii Ambassador to Lormont, during the festivities of 21 SGC
  • Genesis: One year a snow storm conincided with the Festival, and everyone had a massive snowball fight. The next year, vendors started to sell little sacks and balls that people could throw at each other.
  • Creation: Balls, tiny sacks of flower, etc. Covered in yellow, white or orange cloth, resplendant with a 'tail'.
  • Issues: Some people make their own, filling them with pebbles, shit, pigs-bladders filled with water/wine/vinegar, etc., wrap stones in material. There are several major injuries reported every year.

Festival of Lovers

  To be continued...
by Brinsmead
Please note This article was written for Summer Camp 2021, and will be added to in due course.

Cover image: by Michael Schaffler


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Jul 7, 2021 00:23 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'Lormontai immigrants living in other Saeric countries have also been arrested in Kredashmi for lighting fireworks in city squares, or firing burning arrows into the fountains in Rykfontein.' Hahahahaha. Oh no.   Also, I do not believe that Kredasene ambassador in the slightest. XD   This is a great festival, I love it. :D

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet