Kredasene Court Bow Tradition / Ritual in The Sorrow of Souls Quartet | World Anvil
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Kredasene Court Bow

Bowing is a social gesture made in the direction of another person or important item as a sign of respect or deference. Different Saeric lands have developed their own styles of bowing and curtseying, and are generally used amongst nobile, aristocratic and royal circles.  


— A person
  In the Hubraic Age, prior to the Unification, individual clans had their own system of gestures to denote a whole range of non-verbal communication. While this did include greetings between clansmen, the actual act of bowing was estbalished by Jurrian van die Rhalen, the first Kredasene-König. He declared that bowing would be used as a mark of respect between all clansmen. The motion of the bow was allegedly based on the way dragons knelt to allow their riders to dismount: by stretching one front leg forward to brace themselves, while lowering on the other towards the ground. Crucially, despite being declared chief amongst their number, Jurrian rejected any notion that as König, he should receive a deeper or more exagerated bow. He argued that, "All men are equal in the sight of Everyman. What is a König except a man of flesh and blood?"  

Bowing to the Monarch

You might be considered equal in the sight of Everyman, but no woman in this country is mine. My blood is Star-Chosen. Our daughter is Blessed By Starlight. Our children are considered precious to the Stars themselves, and I will see true deference shown to us.
— Königin Anaïs to her husband, König Faustus
  Königin Anaïs Scwhannraelen was the first co-ruler of Kredashmi to insist on a change to the way in which commoners, nobles and aristocrats bowed to their König. Having been born and raised in the Star Court of Lormont, Anaïs had been raised in a society that displayed huge reverence to the stars in their social exchanges. This included highly elaborate forms of bowing to members of the Star-Chosen, or royal, family. After her marriage to König Faustus in DATE, Anaïs was horrified by court culture in Kredashami. Ambassadors often remarked about how offended the young Königin was not to receive similar gestures of respect in her new home.   Scholars do not agree on the reason why König Faustus finally decreed that a new bow would be required to anyone greeting the König, his wife and their immediate heir. It could simply have been that he wished to avoid further upset with his wife. Regardless, new bows were created, modelled on the Lormontai movements.  

The Court Bows

The Court Bow: Keep your back straight. Extend your right leg forard and hinge back at your hips. Lower your left knee towards the ground* and bow over your right knee. The right hand is commonly placed over your heart, although it is personal preference whether your palm remains open or the hand is clenched. The left hand can either be held out to the side, parallel to the ground, or it can swing behind. The head can remain up, or bowed.   *The left knee does not need to actually touch the ground. Again, this is down to personal preference and how much you revere the person you are bowing to.   The whole movement is swift, and is often considered a very curt gesture to people from Lormont and Raskvaeric.   The Royal Bow: The right knee drops fully to the ground. The head must be bowed, but the back must not stoop. Instead of the Lormontai-gesture of holding both hands out, palms-up, towards the stars, a Kredasene's right hand must be placed over their heart.
Please note, this article is a rough draft written for Summer Camp 2023.
by Brinsmead
Placeholder Skeleton by Brinsmead
by Brinsmead

Cover image: by Michael Schaffler


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