Adam Character in The Singularity Realm | World Anvil
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Monster of Frankenstein

Adam (a self-given name), otherwise known as Frankenstein's Monster or the Creature, is the living product of Victor Frankenstein's horrific venture to create life from dead human tissue. The Monster has since committed awful acts of vengeance upon his creator's family, ultimately resulting in his murder of Victor Frankenstein after he parted ways with his Bride.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Adam was created with an inordinate physical strength, far surpassing anything capable of a regular humanoid. He is also able to survive long durations with much sustenance, as well as exert himself over long periods with no evidence of exhaustion.

Body Features

Adam is known for his grotesque appearance, mainly due to his yellowish-green skin and metal stitching desperately holding his unhealing skin together. These stitches were not placed there by his creator; at his creation, Adam's skin was as homogeneous as any natural being. However, due to the abuse and neglect from humanity, as well as his fight with his creator, Adam has had to crudely patch up his own injuries, leading to the haphazardly stitched appearance he is known for.

Special abilities

Due to the tesla coils implanted into his shoulders before his murder of his creator, Adam is able to command electricity from them as long as they are charged. In addition to the abilities granted from these coils, Adam is rejuvenated in general by lightning and electricity, as it was the fundamental mechanism for his creation.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Adam was created by Victor Frankenstein, a deranged and egotistical disgraced doctor dead-set on playing god, who eventually discovered a technique to impart life into deceased organic tissue through the imbuing of lightning. To successfully complete this unnatural, nature-violating task, Frankenstein would infiltrate morgues and dissection laboratories. If Frankenstein could not find the parts, he would resort to grave robbing. Because of his struggles to find adequate parts, Victor's creation ended up being 8 feet tall, and around 450 pounds. Finalizing his very intricate and elegant piecing together of humanoid body parts, Frankenstein's creation would finally be brought to life during a stormy Wildeburnian night, when Frankenstein's constructed tesla coils atop his castle caught a bolt of lightning, infusing it into the dead tissue and bringing it to life.  


- Victor Frankenstein, after his creation's first movement.
However, his pride in his achievement would fade away the minute the Creature opened its eyes. Despite Victor's attempts to give beautiful features to his creation, he was horrified at the Creature's pale, watery eyes, then noticing the sickly green skin that barely concealed the muscles and blood vessels beneath it. Petrified at the monster we worked so hard to create, he fled in terror, forever sealing Adam's fate as a product of neglect and hatred.  

Early Life

At his creation, Adam had no more knowledge than a newborn baby. In confusion, he likewise left the castle and spent the first days of his existence living cold and alone in the wilderness, feeling pain invade him from all sides. Without the comfort of a parent, he turned to self-hatred, thinking himself a poor, helpless, miserable wretch. His only solace in this harsh and unforgiving world was the Mother Nature in the Wildeburnian countryside. And yet, even through his admiration of nature, he could recognize that his own being was that of grotesque and unnatural appearance; even his own voice repulsed him.   In his travel of the country, looking for any berries or nuts he could find to sustain himself, he discovered the hut of an elderly shepherd, and upon walking through an open door in curiosity, he saw him. An old man sat near a fire, preparing his breakfast, and upon seeing the grotesque monster that had entered his home, he screamed in terror and retreated from the house. The following evening, he traveled some more until arriving at a village, a sight that greatly fascinated him. Entering a cottage the very same way he entered the old man's hut, he was immediately met with shrieks of terror from the children. Some villagers fled, some villagers fought, until Adam was bruised and cut by stones and weapons of the like. He took refuge away from the village in a small cave, with another cottage nearby.   In the morning, he discovered the family that dwelled inside this cottage, and from his past experiences, knew not to try and seek refuge among mankind. The cottage was occupied by a blind father and his son and daughter, a family of which displayed the unconditional love and affection that Adam was robbed of in his creation. Adam finds a compelling beauty in the love of this family, and yearns for this kind of love in his own life. It was from this family he learned how to speak Common, through the readings of the son to the family. While admiring the family dynamic, he found an ever-present reminder in his reflection in a pool of water; with his terrifying visage, he became fully convinced that he was, in reality, the monster that he was. Filled with despondence and mortification, he still did not know the consequences of his deformity.   Eventually, Adam worked up the courage to approach the blind man when he was alone, as only he might be able to see Adam for what he truly his, under his deformity. He approached the old man, asking for warmth and shelter, and they struck up a genuine kind-hearted conversation where the old man truly empathized with Adam, thinking him to be an unfortunate human being. However, just when the old man was ready to listen to Adam and help him in quest to find love, his children entered. His daughter fainted, and his son tore him from the old man and beat him with a stick. Despite his inhuman strength, the monster only ran in despair.   The family eventually relocated, and the loss of this family brought about such grief to Adam that he destroyed the cottage in a fit of rage. With nowhere else to go, he set course for Geneva, his creator's town of origin he discovered from abandoned papers the night he was born. In his travels, he happened upon a young girl running about the country, hiding in fear at first, until the young girl slipped and fell into a river's raging rapids. He rushed from his hiding place, using his strength to save the young girl from the river. She was unconscious, so Adam tried frantically to restore animation, but only for a man to uncover the monster and tear the girl from his arms, shooting Adam through the shoulder to escape. The feelings of kindness and gentleness Adam had entertained but a few moments before gave place to hellish rage and gnashing of teeth. It was then that the Monster of Frankenstein vowed eternal hatred and vengeance to all mankind.   Arriving at Geneva, he sought a hiding place among the fields, succumbing to his exhaustion until he was awoken by an approaching child. It occurred to Adam that the boy was unprejudiced; he had lived too short a time to have imbibed a horror of deformity. If Adam could seize him and educate him as his companion and friend, he should not be so desolate in this peopled earth. As with any other interaction with mankind, the child screamed at the Creature's impulse. He did not listen to a word out of Adam's mouth, only calling him a monster, an ugly wretch, and an ogre. Suddenly, the child invoked his father's name: Frankenstein. From the papers left in his clothes from the night of his creation, he recognized the name of his creator. He was finally presented with a chance for vengeance upon the being that had created and abandoned him into a world that only gives him pain and hatred. In a fit of rage, he chokes the boy to death, which turned out to be Victor's young brother William. On William's now lifeless body, the Monster discovered a locket of a beautiful woman, Frankenstein's late mother, and is allured by her beauty, but only for a moment. His rage returned when he was reminded that he was forever deprived of the delights that such beautiful creatures could bestow, and that the woman on the locket, in regarding him, would only greet him with an air of disgust and fright.   In the following days of contemplation, he decided on a course of action: Adam would track down his creator, the only man with the power he so awfully violated, and demand him to create a female creature; a companion. As Adam said it,  

"At length I wandered these mountains, and have ranged through their immense recesses, consumed by a burning passion which you alone can gratify. I am alone, and miserable; man will not associate with me; but one as deformed and horrible as myself would not treat me with such hatred. This being you must create."

- Adam, Monster of Frankenstein, demanding Victor Frankenstein to make his bride.  

Creation of the Bride

Victor was enraged at this request, feeling an onerous guilt and self-hatred for this initial creation of Adam. However, should he refuse, the monster he created threatened to kill Victor's remaining loved ones until he is completely ruined. Fearing for his family, Victor reluctantly agreed. Pleased at the agreement, Adam said he will watch over Victor's progress.
Victor Frankenstein chartered a boat across the fractured sea to a family estate in Scarlet, distancing his home and his family from any other creation of evil. Working on the female creature, he is plagued by nightmares of disaster, fearful that the female could hate his first creation, or even become more evil than he is. Even more terrifying to Victor was the thought that creating a second creature could lead to the creation of a race that could spell out doom for mankind. Reluctantly, with the Monster following his every move. On a stormy night in Scarlesian autumn, the female creature was finally created. Upon looking into her eyes for the first time, Adam felt an outward innate love he had never received himself, muttering "Eve" as she came to. With the deal honored, Frankenstein and his creation parted ways for what they thought would be the last time.  


Despite their common ground, the marriage of Adam and Eve turned out to be anything but perfect. After Eve's creation, the two moved to a mountain range in northern Scarlet and built a house together. However, their differing experiences after their creation meant they couldn't always see eye to eye. Above all else, Adam was still plagued by vengeful thoughts on his creator, unable to appreciate his life with Eve as he had it. On the other side, Eve was sheltered from the bitterness of humanity since her creation, unlike Adam. She had not been victim to the violence and hatred Adam had lived with his whole life, so it has she couldn't truly empathize with her husband on that level. She was also far less grotesquely horrific than her husband, due to Frankenstein "perfecting" his craft. Due to these conflicts and several others, Eve eventually left Adam to live on her own after 2 years of marriage, driving Adam into an insensible rage toward his creator.   Believing his divorce to be only his creator's fault for not being capable of creating anything capable of loving him, he set out to Wildebourne to track down and finally ruin him. However, unbeknownst to Adam, Victor's bride Elizabeth had likewise divorced him due to her discovery of his horrifically evil creations and their consequences.  

Creator vs. Creation

Adam and Victor finally met on the rocky mountaintops of Wildebourne. Adam lost Eve, believing Frankenstein's inability to create anything capable of loving him at fault. Victor lost Elizabeth, believing his Monster's grotesque evil and acts of sin committed against mankind at fault. Both had been preparing for this confrontation for months. Victor had created himself a suit of armor, with integrated flamethrowers in each arm to exploit the Monster's only known weakness, as well as propel him into a limited form of flight. Adam had returned to the site of his creation, uprooting the tesla coils and attaching one to either shoulder, allowing him to command their electricity.   Their battle was long; several minutes of pure wrath and hatred for one another. Victor gained an early lead, as Adam's coils needed charge to properly function. Until the very last minute, Adam was horrifically burnt, bruised, and cut, and lightning finally struck. The thunderstorm had coalesced above the two of them, and its lightning was attracted to Adam's coils. In a blast of energy, a bolt of lightning struck the Monster, coursing electricity through his veins in a way he had not experienced since his creation. With his newfound strength, Adam shot the lightning out of his arm, vaporizing his creator completely. Frankenstein was dead, and his creation had won.  

Hallow's Knight

In the following moments, Adam felt hollow. He had killed his creator, but he still had no one in this world. Mankind still hated him. Before Adam had even made his next move, a presence materialized atop a mountain peak. A humanoid figure of shadow save for his infamous jack-o-lantern head, the size of a castle, sat perched on the jagged rocks, calling Adam by his name. Adam confused, asked who he was, to which the figure replied, "I am known by many titles. Agent of Fear, Lord of the Undead... the God of Terror. Those who know me by my godhood refer to me by one name: HALLOW."   Hallow presented Adam with a choice: on one hand, Frankenstein could continue living among humanity, only to be hated and attacked by them again and again. He could surround himself in piles of bones, to no end. Or, he could join Hallow in his plight against mankind. To Hallow, mankind was an irredeemable race of creatures, of which their greatest crime against the world that was saved by the gods themselves, his own creed, was their reckless creation of horrific evil. As Hallow puts it, "I have never created a monster, for mankind creates more than I could possibly hope to. I only command them." With no other path forward, Adam joined Hallow as one his Knights, uttering his oath:

"If I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear."


Adam owes all of his knowledge of Common to the family he attempted to befriend after years of watching from the shadows, picking up a very sophisticated command of the language. Everything else he has learned about the nature of his being had been taken from the laboratory where he was created.
Chaotic Evil
Circumstances of Birth
Created from dead humanoid tissue, immediately abandoned and neglected
Ingolstadt, Wildebourne
Pale green
Long, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
8 feet
450 lbs


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