Mina's Montrabank Building / Landmark in The Shattered Teeth | World Anvil
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Mina's Montrabank

Mina's Money Transfer and Banking est 380 P.D. , or Mina's Montrabank for short, is the premiere and effectively only banking system and money transfer system across the Shattered Teeth.   It is used by governments, criminal organizations, adventures, and peasants alike.   Mina Pebbledrop, a female gnome, is the owner and sole employee of the Montrabank and is widely regarded as the richest person in all of the Shattered Teeth.   Mina's Montrabank has roughly 200 locations across the Shattered Teeth, all run by Mina, and the locations all look exactly the same.    Mina's Montrabank has a very strict privacy policy.  She will not refer to anyone by name until they are in her Customer's Only interdimensional space.

Purpose / Function

Mina's Montrabank charges 1% on all monies being deposited or withdrawn with a 1 copper piece minimum,   Similarly, Mina's Montrabank charges 1% for all money transfers.   The customer simple gives Mina the money at a particular location and the money is available straight away at another location.


Mina's Montrabank exists in many places across the Shattered Teeth, but seemingly exactly the same building.   The bank itself is a small building measuring about 10 feet by 10 feet. The outside side of the building has a plain sign that reads "Mina's Montrabank.  For all your banking and money transfer needs.  Established 380 P.D."   The inside of the bank is plain.  The walls are entirely covered with the terms and conditions for banking and money transfers.  The text is very small and Mina insists that everyone reads them before engaging in business.  People rarely, if ever, read the terms and conditions, but always say they do.     Mina is omnipresent across all locations and is always working on her books and tallying numbers.  Whenever customers arrive, she slams shut the books and warmly greets them.   Apart from the front door, there are two doors inside.  One says "Customers only" and the other days "Do Not Enter".   No one knows for sure what is behind the "Do Not Enter" door.  No one apart from Mina can open the door.     The "Customer's Only" door is also only opened by Mina.  Inside is a table, two chairs, and a ledger.  The room exists in an interdimensional space, and is far greater than the building's outside dimensions would imply.


Mina established the banks after The Five Merchants War in 380 P.D.
Founding Date
380 P.D.
Bank / Treasury
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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