Zilvra T'ysrr Character in The Severed Expanse | World Anvil
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Zilvra T'ysrr (Zil-vrah Tuh-seer)


One of the Administrators of the Empire of Ilien, Zilvra is perhaps the one truly good person who is running the Empire. However, she has been blinded and manipulated by Madar Skygrove, who she views as a father. Even with that, however, Zilvra has begun to have doubts about the direction of the Empire, but is constantly struggling to deal with the complex politics of the Imperial Council, and the Azar City Council, keeping her distracted and somewhat pliant.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Zilvra is fidgety, and quite dislikes sitting still for long periods of time.

Special abilities

Zilvra is an immensely powerful Sorcerer, with access to a large variety of spells to trap, stop, or kill her opponents. She is at her best when supported by allies, such as Divari or Saryx, and works well as a support for them, but she is more than capable of destroying lesser threats on her own.   Her powers come from being touched by an Aeon at a young age.

Apparel & Accessories

Zilvra still dresses fairly poorly, at least for her social class. She does not worry about fashion trends, or what is expected of her. She frequently wears her ratty black cloak, leather armor that is well used. She dresses for battle, rather than style.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zilvra was raised in the Everdawn, amongst The Lolthite Houses, the sizeable cult of Drow who worship Lolth. She was always gifted with magic, and it became clear quite quickly that Zilvra was a sorcerer, and was raised to eventually become a priestess of Lolth. However, it turned out that Zilvra's magic did not come from Lolth, nor any being that the Lolthite Houses would find agreeable. Instead, her power came from Primus, the god of order, constructs, and clockwork. When this was discovered, the Lolthite Houses attempted to kill Zilvra, who was only protected by her immense power.   Still a child, in elf terms, Zilvra fled her home, eventually finding a portal to the Overworld that lead into the heart of Ruin's lair. Intrigued by the powerful Drow, he took her as a servant, for her powers were nowhere near enough to face him. She served him for the better part of three decades, until Madar Skygrove, Prios Dawnbrow, and Indrid Barkrirsk attacked and defeated Ruin. Feeling indebted to her saviors, and feeling a rightness with Madar's plan to unite the Overworld against threats from other planes, Zilvra agreed to help them found the Ilien Empire.     Sent ahead to the city of Azar to prepare it for invasion, Zilvra performed far better than anyone could have expected. Instead of preparing it for invasion, she single-handedly conquered other deed holders, and rose as the most powerful figure in the city. Followed, out of fear if nothing else, by the other important figure in the city, including the defunct government, when Prios and the Imperial Army arrived, they found Zilvra waiting to hand the city over to them instead, the first new city of the Empire. For this, she joined the Imperial Council, and would run the city of Azar as Administrator.     Once taking the city, however, Zilvra struggled to keep it under control. Azar's other deed holders do not share her ideals, with her best ally being Mirtaruk Boldfury, who is in fact a spy for Skophos. The others are greedy, zealots, or at best simply incredibly stubborn. On a larger scale, Zilvra struggled as well, quickly finding that she and Prios did not get along, and she had few allies on the Imperial Council as well. When Divari joined, they grew close quickly, due to being some of the few people who seemed to be actually concerned about the good of the people.
  When Madar finally revealed his plan to have each of the Administrators bond with a Dragon, Zilvra was excited. Missing much of the implications of Madar's plan, she sought out a dragon who had very similar ideals to her, only bonding them when she had his explicit agreement to the contract. Saryx and Zilvra became incredibly close, and not long after she and Divari began a more intimate relationship. These two became joys in Zilvra's life, jewels of calm in a sea of difficulty, politics, and a growing dread that something was deeply wrong with the Empire of Ilien.


Zilvra's education was very much directed by both the Drow matriarchs, and Madar, who took her under his wing after the events in what would become Thamidir. She knows much about magic, history, religion, as well as more basic things such as mathematics, literature, and the like. However, most of her education has had a tint of corruption to it, either the Lolthite Houses' views of the worlds and Lolth, which Zilvra now despises, or Madar's view of the world as disorganized and in need of rule.

Mental Trauma

Zilvra struggles with the memories of the Lolthite Houses. While the did raise her, the followers of Lolth are cruel and uncompromising, and their final attempt to murder her scarred Zilvra deeply. This, along with her enslavement by Ruin has lead her to deeply fear being trapped, or not be allowed to leave, to which she tends to react violently.

Personality Characteristics


Zilvra believes that all things have a place in the natural order of the world, and is desperate to find her own. Despite herself, her current situation does not ring as true for her, and though she tries to ignore them, she has serious doubts about the path of the Ilien Empire. However, she also desperately wants to prove herself to Madar, who she views as a father figure. She also wants revenge on the Shadow Weavers, both for what they did to her, and what they do to others.

Virtues & Personality perks

Zilvra will do whatever she can to help someone in need, even at great cost to herself. She is also incredibly loyal, to her people, to her colleagues, and to her friends.

Vices & Personality flaws

Zilvra is arrogant, having been built up by Madar too view herself as one of the strongest magic users on the plane. While she is quite powerful, she does not compare to people like Madar, Prios, or other similarly strong beings like Ruin, which Zilvra is loath to admit. Zilvra also is fairly black and white with her world view, and if things do not fit that, she struggles to understand them. She is also loyal to a fault, and struggles to do anything against friends or allies, even if they are wrong.


Family Ties

  • 3 siblings, Zilvra is the eldest
  • 2 friendly still, one indifferent, all alive, two doing badly, one doing well

Religious Views

Zilvra primarily worships Primus, feeling indebted to him for her abilities. Other than that, she does not particularly care about the gods, other than Lolth, who she has a deep hatred for, as well as Asmodeus and Tiamat, who she dislikes due to her close affiliation with Divari and Saryx.

Social Aptitude

Zilvra is somewhat quiet, but when she speaks she is sure of her words, and confident in them. She is loud, direct, and to the point, rarely making great speeches. She does not consider herself particularly charismatic, but others seem to follow her regardless.


Zilvra is fairly friendly, if a little quiet. She listens more than she speaks, and is quick to consider someone a friend, though quicker to consider them an enemy as well.


Zilvra T'ysrr

Lover (Vital)

Towards Divari




Lover (Vital)

Towards Zilvra T'ysrr




Zilvra and Divari met in some of the worst circumstances, after Divari's city was conquered by the Empire. However, Divari was willing to join the Empire, and the two quickly found that they tended to be allies on the Imperial Council. Both lacked anything like this before, and began to meet privately to discuss strategy. This lead to them becoming friends, and eventually their loneliness lead to more. Since then, they have been fiercely protective of each other, even over distances. Zilvra acts fairly affectionate with her, while Divari, scared that someone will use their relationship against them, pretends to dislike her.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both have suffered greatly at the hands of other planar groups, groups that were supposed to protect them. Both wish to keep others from having a similar fate.


Bond (Important)

Towards Zilvra T'ysrr



Zilvra T'ysrr

Bond (Vital)

Towards Saryx




Zilvra is the only Administrator who took the "bond" part of the bonding process seriously. Saryx is the only fully willing bond, convinced by Zilvra's passion and their similar ideals. Now that it has become more clear what a bad situation Zilvra is in, Saryx has become extremely protective of her. Zilvra, in turn, loves her dragon bond with everything she has, and views him as one of her few constant companions.

Zilvra T'ysrr

Adoptive Daughter (Vital)

Towards Madar Skygrove



Madar Skygrove

Adoptive Father (Important)

Towards Zilvra T'ysrr




Madar found Zilvra in the clutches of Ruin, a slave to the ancient black dragon. When he bound the dragon to his will, he freed Zilvra, and she has felt forever indebted to him for that. Realizing this, Madar took the girl under his wing, and finished raising her to adulthood, then sent her off to conquer the city of Azar for him. She continues to look up to him, and does her best to cast her doubts aside for him, which he quietly encourages.

Wealth & Financial state

Zilvra is technically quite wealthy, but lives frugally. She is wary of spending any of the money that her enterprises bring in, and instead pours that wealth into the city. Still, she can't quite seem to get rid of it, as it builds up faster than she can spend it.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
1020 ATF 163 Years old
Red, bright, glowing
Long, grey, often in a braid
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark pale blue
105 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Undercommon, Draconic, Elvish, and Thieves Cant.
Ruled Locations

Zilvra T'ysrr

Medium Drow, Sorcerer (Clockwork Soul), Lawful Good

Armor Class 13
Hit Points 127 (17d8+51)
Speed: 30 ft


( +1 )


( +3 )


( +3 )


( +2 )


( +3 )


( +5 )

Saving Throws CON +7, CHA +9
Skills Arcana +6, Religion +6, Deception +9, Insight +7
Senses darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Elvish, Undercommon, Infernal
Challenge Rating 11
Proficiency Bonus +4


All things have their place in the natural order of the world, and I will find my own.


Divari is incredibly precious to me, and I will care for her. Saryx is my dearest friend, and I owe him for becoming my bond.


I cannot see things outside of black and white, things either fit or they don't.

Spellcasting. Zilvra T'ysrr is an 11th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). Zilvra T'ysrr has the following Sorcerer spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): Fire Bolt, Thunderclap, Dancing Lights, Mage Hand, Message, Mending
1st level (4 slots): Alarm, Protection from Evil and Good, Mage Armor, Thunderwave, Detect Magic
2nd level (3 slots): Aid, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image, Detect Thoughts
3rd level (3 slots): Dispel Magic, Protection from Energy, Lightning Bolt, Major Image
4th level (3 slots): Freedom of Movement, Summon Construct, Ice Storm, Dimension Door
5th level (2 slots): Greater Restoration, Wall of Force, Hold Monster, Animate Objects
6th Level (1 slot): True Seeing

1/day: Dancing Lights, Faerie Fire, Darkness

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the Zilvra T'ysrr fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Restore Balance (4/Day). When a creature you can see within 60 feet of you is about to roll a d20 with advantage or disadvantage, you can use your reaction to prevent the roll from being affected by advantage and disadvantage.


Bastion of Law (Recharge 5 or 6). You or another creature you can see within 30 feet of you gains 3d8 Temporary Hit Points.
Empowered Spell (Recharge 5 or 6). When Zilvra rolls damage for a spell, as a bonus action reroll up to 5 of the damage dice.
Twinned Spell (Recharge 6). When Zilvra casts a spell that targets only one creature, she may instead as a bonus action target a second creature as well in range of the spell.
Fey Step (Recharge 4, 5 or 6). As a bonus action, teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.

Legendary Actions

Zilvra T'ysrr can take 1 legendary action, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Zilvra T'ysrr regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Cast a Spell. Zilvra casts one of her prepared spells.
Bastion of Law. Zilvra T'ysrr uses the Bastion of Law action.


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