King Arthur Pendragon, the Once and Future King Character in The Seven Seals Legendarium | World Anvil

King Arthur Pendragon, the Once and Future King

"The Legendary King Arthur Pendragon, his legacy and lineage scared by humiliation and scorn but his deeds are not forgotten."

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford

The 35th Great Dragon Lord of Camelot, the Once and Future King, Slayer of the Sons of Ysbaddaden, Arthur ibn Uther III ibn Flavius III Al Ambrosius

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • Yin Yang Re-Convergence: Re-convergence is a technique of the Yin Yang Paths that separates the energies and then rejoins them together, acting as a sort of hard reset for your Magic. This is useful if a Mage has been poisoned with a Magical affliction linked to their Magical Energy, allowing them to purify themselves. It can also be used to cure Mana Cell Exhaustion (MCE), the most common sickness that can kill your ability to use Magic. Yin Yang Paths are difficult to learn, but doing so is vital to becoming an Eight Arts Mage.
  • Magic Art Evocation: Mahābhūta Transformation: The Mahābhūta is the basis of all creation within the cosmos and the elements that all Mages can manifest an affinity for. A Mage's Magic naturally manifests with its Mahābhūta embedded within, this is called the Magic Attribute or the Attributes of a Mage's Craft. Tejas (Fire): Tejas represent the element of fire and are associated with heat, energy, and transformation. It is the element that gives rise to heat, light, and energy.

Eight Arts Mage
The 8 Magical Arts is a system used to classify all Magic based on its primary effect and function. They are the eight recognized Arts by beings native to the 5th Dimension of Magic and are widely employed. To learn all 8 and master them all can take a lifetime or a few years depending on many factors, but those who do master all 8 earn the right to call themselves an "Eight Arts Mage", and those who take their abilities further are dubbed "Great Mage Equal to Heaven". Arthur has earned the title of Eight Arts Mage for his profcientcy of all 8 Magical Schools of Study and the title of Great Mage Equal to Heaven for his mastery of all avenues of Magic. Arthur's Magical Energy reserves are classified as Zel = "Greater/ Many"
  1. DIVINATION: Divination is a magical art and practice that involves seeking knowledge, insight, or guidance through supernatural or mystical means. Divination is used to gain information about the past, present, or future, as well as to uncover hidden truths or understand the deeper aspects of a situation or individual's life. It is often employed as a tool for making decisions, predicting outcomes, or gaining spiritual insight. It is important to note that divination is not an exact science and does not guarantee absolute predictions or outcomes. The interpretation of divinatory tools and methods is subjective and can vary based on the individual practitioner and the specific circumstances involved. Divination should be approached with an open mind and used as a tool for reflection, self-discovery, and gaining insight rather than relying solely on it for decision-making.
  2. NECROMANCY: Necromancy is a magical art that involves the manipulation and interaction with death, the deceased, and the energies associated with the afterlife. It is often depicted as the study and practice of dark and forbidden magic, as necromancers deal with taboo subjects and have the ability to control or communicate with the spirits of the dead. Necromancy encompasses a wide range of practices and abilities. Some necromancers specialize in divination and communication with spirits, seeking knowledge or guidance from the deceased. Another aspect of necromancy involves the reanimation or manipulation of dead bodies or skeletal remains. Necromancers can also employ spells or rituals to manipulate death energy, draining the life force from living beings or harnessing the power of death itself.
  3. CONJURATION: Conjuration is a magical art that involves the summoning, calling forth, or creation of beings, energies, or objects through magical means. Practitioners of conjuration, known as conjurers, can bring forth entities from other planes of existence, create illusions or manifestations, or even summon and control elemental forces. Conjuration is a versatile and powerful school of magic that allows spellcasters to manipulate and interact with the fabric of reality. The practice of conjuration typically requires a deep understanding of the desired entity or force being summoned. Conjurers must be knowledgeable about the characteristics, nature, and potential risks associated with the beings they call upon. They employ rituals, spells, sigils, and incantations to establish a connection and draw forth the desired entity or energy.
  4. ENCHANTMENT: Enchantment is a magical art that involves imbuing objects, creatures, or locations with magical properties or abilities. Enchanters harness mystical energies to infuse an item or being with magical essence, enhancing its attributes, granting it special powers, or altering its nature. Enchantment can make objects more potent, provide protection, enhance abilities, or even bestow sentience upon inanimate objects. The process of enchantment typically involves the use of spells, rituals, and incantations. Enchanters draw upon their knowledge of magical principles and the specific properties of the object or creature they seek to enchant. They channel and direct magical energies into the target, imbuing it with the desired enchantment.
  5. ILLUSION: Illusion is a magical art that involves the manipulation of perception, creating sensory experiences that are not based on physical reality. Illusionists use spells, tricks, and subtle manipulations to deceive the senses, altering what individuals see, hear, feel, taste, and smell. Through their mastery of illusion magic, practitioners can create convincing illusions, deceive others, and shape their perception of the world. Illusion magic often requires a deep understanding of perception and psychology. Illusionists study how the mind processes sensory information and exploit its tendencies to create convincing illusions. They employ techniques such as misdirection, suggestion, and the manipulation of subtle cues to deceive the senses and make the illusion seem real.
  6. EVOCATION: Evocation is a magical art that focuses on the manipulation and control of elemental energies and forces. It involves the summoning and commanding of spirits, creatures, or energy manifestations to achieve various effects. Evocation is often associated with the direct manipulation of raw power and the ability to unleash destructive or transformative forces. Practitioners of evocation, known as evokers, harness the elemental energies present in the world around them or tap into metaphysical realms to bring forth and direct these forces.
  7. ALCHEMY: Alchemy is a mystical and ancient magical art that combines elements of science, philosophy, and magic. It is often associated with the transformation of base metals into precious ones, such as turning lead into gold, but alchemy encompasses much more than just material transmutation. Alchemists seek to understand the fundamental nature of matter, energy, and the universe, aiming to unlock hidden knowledge and achieve spiritual and physical transformation.
  8. ABJURATION: Abjuration is a magical school or art that focuses on protective and defensive magic. It involves the use of spells and rituals to ward off and negate harmful effects, banish or repel creatures, and create barriers of protection. Abjuration magic is often associated with shields, barriers, and dispelling magic. Abjuration spells and rituals often require concentration, focus, and a deep understanding of the magical energies involved.

Barrier Technique Nirvana
Dharma, a term as ancient as the stars themselves, encapsulates the concept of living in harmony with one's true self and purpose. It represents the alignment of one's actions, choices, and intentions with the intrinsic essence of their being. To adhere to one's Dharma is to embark on a journey of self-discovery, embracing the unique path etched into the fabric of one's existence. In doing so, individuals unlock the dormant potential within themselves and tap into the wellspring of their inner strength. Just as a star, radiant and undaunted, shines at its brightest when it follows its destined course through the cosmos, so too does a mage's power reach its zenith when in sync with their Dharma. Nirvana is the physical manifestation of a Mage's Dharma, it is their own world of enlightenment and the truest expression of their Way and sense of self.
Arthur's Nirvana expands a great distance and works to empower anyone caught within it, even enemies. The empowerment is applied to physical attributes, magical energy output, the rate at which magical energy recharges, and overall power. There is no complexity and escape is possible for victims. This Nirvana is the embodiment of Arthur's warrior mindset and desire to fight strong opponents at their best.
Every Nirvana has pseudo existence, in the sense that, unlike base Barrier Techniques that are cast and cease to exist when uncast, a Nirvana always exists in some capacity and as such can be used as an external storage for a Mage. These Dimensional Storage spaces are commonly used to house weapons or items or devices that a Mage either won't or cannot carry on their person or leave elsewhere. When called forth, great magical limbs, like arms, manifest from the user holding the desired object. These are called Mantles and the number of Mantles a Mage can manifest dictates how many objects they can house within their Nirvana. The number of Mantles a Mage possesses is determined by the nature of their Nirvana and the Nirvana itself is just a manifestation of their Dharma. Arthur's Nirvana has 20 Mantles which is where he stores a number of his weapons and spells.  
Wheel-Turning King Form
Upon attaining the Wheel-Turning King Form (also known as Chakravartin State), a Mage undergoes a profound transformation wherein their body, mind, and soul undergo a comprehensive restoration, effectively eradicating any afflictions or damages they may have sustained. This metamorphosis is not merely cosmetic; it also heralds a substantial augmentation in the Mage's physical prowess and capabilities. Of particular significance is the secure assimilation of Raw Magical Energy, a process that distinguishes itself from the risky venture of Limit Breaking.
The Chakravartin Form bestows upon the Mage the profound ability to comprehend and wield Runic Magic, a formidable branch of magical arts intricately linked to the vital energies of the World Tree. Spells cast through Runic Magic, as well as any other magical or offensive maneuvers executed in this formidable form, transcend existence until the precise moment they impact the intended target. This unique characteristic endows the Mage with an unparalleled advantage, guaranteeing an impeccable success rate of 100% for all offensive endeavors conducted in the Chakravartin state. This form allows the user to use all Lower Mahābhūta Techniques without hindrance. The Mahābhūta is the basis of all creation within the cosmos and the elements that all Mages can manifest an affinity for. A Mage's Magic naturally manifests with its Mahābhūta embedded within, this is called the Magic Attribute or the Attributes of a Mage's Craft, however, when in the Chakravartin State, all Lower techniques are available for use, Prithvi (Earth), Ap (Water), Tejas (Fire), Vayu (Air), and Akasha (Ether or Space).
When beings die, they go to the 50 Dead Worlds of Helheim where they journey through each world until they reach the Well of Souls where their mind is utterly destroyed and their soul is reincarnated into a new being to begin a new. When the Chakravartin State is obtained, a Mage has awareness and memories of their past lives as well as the ability to influence the cycles of their future lives to some extent. When a Mage is no longer in their Chakravartin State, they will still retain the memories and awareness of their past lives, and in some cases, truly skilled Mages can draw on the power from their past selves to compound and increase their own. While this power may only be obtained or used in the Chakravartin State, Mages can take their past incarnations and distill them into Sword Arms, magical blades that are the manifestation of that incarnation's past and power. In this way, while not in the Chakravartin State, Mages can wield the power of their past lives.  
The Auspicious Tailed-Beast Form: MAB
The Auspicious Tailed-Beast Form (ATB) is a Transformation that can be achieved by Mages who have a Contract with one of the 10 Tailed Beasts and gained the Form as a boon from the Tailed Beast in question. There are 10 Magical Beasts, and each ATB form is unique to the Tailed-Beast it came from. Arthur had a contract with Mab, the Two-Tailed Fae Queen, and her Auspicious Form grants Arthur the ability to call upon and manipulate the Light of Alfheim itself, the brightest and fastest thing in existence. Apart from the uniqueness of each ATB form, all Forms share some common base powers. All ATB forms allow the User to instantly summon and command any other Familiars they have contracts with. While in base, just by virtue of unlocking this form, Mages can safely survive in the 5th Dimension (something Mortals otherwise cannot do) and all ATB forms all Mages to use a Limitbreaker Form without any drawbacks.
Arthur's Auspicious Form is called the Auspicious Form of the Two Tails wherein he most notably gains two sets of magical Fae wings which allow him to fly and move around at incredible speeds. When used in tandem with the rest of his Auspicious powers, the Light of Alfheim, Arthur can move and react at the speed of light. This Light can also pierce the Darkness of Svartálfaheimr and rival Divine Light.  
Wheel-Breaking Form: Enlightened Arthur
Those who obtained an Awakened State are referred to as Buddhas, Mages who have risen above Saṃsāra and possess a new mode of existence altogether (SEE Enlightenment)
  1. Reality Manipulation: The power to alter reality according to their enlightened understanding albeit to a limited degree. Buddhas have full control over the material world that they have ascended above which can be understood as reality manipulation but is no more powerful than a sculptor altering the form of his previous works.
  2. Karmic Influence: The ability to manipulate the flow of Karma. The users can manipulate the flow of Karma, the phenomenon of actions begetting the consequences in tandem with the nature of those actions. The user can control the flow of justified punishment or blessings that happen to others and themselves and render themselves master of the occurrence of consequences.
  3. Wish Granting: With this ability, they can fulfill the wildest and most unlikely wishes and dreams, creating or destroying many things according to those wishes or dreams. Buddhas can grant wishes in such a way that it may help lead other beings through Saṃsāra and into enlightenment, indirectly.
  4. Time Manipulation: Users can control and manipulate time, the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the future, in the general area, or for a specific target in various ways, with the most basic of acts revolving around accelerating, slowing, stopping, and even rewinding or looping it. Since time exists and flows within space, the two are interrelated, and by manipulating time, one is also distorting space proportionally.
  5. Teleportation: The ability to move instantly from one place to another, symbolizing freedom from the limitations of the physical world.
  6. Deathlessness: Buddhas are beyond all things of this world, including life and death.

Specialized Equipment

Marmyadose, the Sword of Hercules
Marmyadose is a colossal great sword rated as a Yoki Wazamono Grade Weapon. It was created by the Deva known to Mortals as Vulcan for the Demigod Hercules before he ascended to godhood himself and left it to his descendants (Adrastus, Tydeus, Eteocles, Polynices, and others) until it came to be in the hands of King Rience, a Jötnar of exceptional power. He once fought with a young King Arthur during one of his crusades and demanded Arthur's beard to add to his cloak, which was made from the beards of those men he had conquered and killed. The Marmyadose is far too great for Mortal Hands alone but Arthur too has the blood of the Jötnar and can wield it as intended by the gods. The weapon is incredibly durable and difficult to destroy and has power over Tejas (Fire).  
The Pridwen Spiritual Shield
Pridwen is a metaphysical shield that lacks a physical form but exists on the Spirit Level and encases the soul of its user, protecting them from all manner of damage or influence that can affect the soul. The Pridwen was created by Arthur's half-sister, Queen Morgause, and once bound to a master, it remains with them until death and beyond. The key advantage here is in the safeguarding of the soul to the afterlife, protecting it from Reapers and Soul Eaters.
The Rhongomyniad, Slaying Spear, and the Lance of Ron
Arthur had a lance and a spear that he used to great effect on his adventures. The first was the spear, Rhongomyniad, which meant Spear of Slaying, and despite its name, it was not enchanted and had no magical qualities. It was a well-made spear crafted by the Sons of Ivaldi from Ýdalirian Timber which made it especially durable but noting extraordinary. The real magic was in the Lance of Ron, a great lance of Arthur's own creation with a queer enchantment rending any armor, physical or spiritual, off of enemies it comes into contact with.  
The Wygar Armor
Arthur's armor was called the Wygar Armor set and was made primarily from Sentient Steel and Living Metal so that it could repair itself when damaged and grow back stronger than before as well as adapt to the current threat Arthur was facing. It was created by the Smith Witege of the Wayland lineage and is one of their best pieces of work. The helm was called the Goswhit Helm, and it belonged to Arthur's father Uther III, and his forefathers before him. The helm bears no enchantment or special workings but is another heirloom of the Ambrosius Clan. The Mantle of Arthur is the name of the cloak/hood of the Wygar armor, and when invoked, Arthur was invisible to the eye, soul, and technology, unable to be detected by any type of sensor.
Excalibur, the Blade of Cutting
Perhaps King Arthur's most infamous blade was Excalibur, a great sword with powerful Ap (Water) Mahābhūta enchantments and a blade that could capture and hold the Light of Alfheim. The Light of Alfheim allows the sword to summon the Bifröst on command for travel to different realms throughout the cosmos. Excalibur could cut through anything, regardless of its substance, including metaphysical targets, the sword would make short work on anything in its path. Excalibur is the property of Lady Nimue, a Naiad (Freshwater Nymph), given to the kings of Camelot who display valor and courage. To be rewarded with Excalibur is to have proof of one's right to rule Camelot.  
Clarent, the Blade of Peace
Arthur's personal sword was a ceremonial blade called Clarent, too pretty to be dirty with blood, but the Great Waar eventually ruins all things. Clarent is a ceremonial sword used by the Kings of Camelot to formally knight their warriors and in other ceremonial functions. By the end of Arthur's life, the blade was stolen from his family and eventually ended up in the hands of Sir Mordred, who used it to kill Arthur. Clarent is a beautiful slender long sword with an ornate design, clearly not designed to be used as an actual weapon.  
Chastiefol, Chastizer of Fools
The King of Games is an extradimensional being of immense and infinite power who can appear as a young and rowdy boy at any time and any place. The King of Games will demand his victims to play games with him, best 2 out of 3 wins. Arthur once encountered the King of Games and bested him in chess and battleship, escaping with his life and a reward from the being, Chastiefol. The sword is brightly colored and resembles a toy sword one might give to a child. However, when used, Chastiefol can take on the form of any weapon, regardless of size, complexity, or function. So long as some part of Chastiefol remains, it will always return from damage.

The Sword Arms of King Arthur

Sword Arms are metaphysical weapons, meaning weapons, items, or tools that have a physical form as well as an Astral Form and a Mental Form, allowing them to be wielded in dimensions and spaces other than the physical one. Sword Arms are created by beings and manifest a portion of their Power, a slice of their very Soul. Sword Arms are distinctly different from normal weapons or tools that are enchanted with Magic or empowered to have metaphysical qualities. Sword Arms are full manifestations of a Mage's Power, the physical form of something so abstract and elusive, ideas made real. Sword Arms contain exactly the amount of Power that they were made from and certain attributes can be imprinted upon them.
  1. Fabled Arm Auspicious Blade Mabel: A Fabled Arm is a Sword Arm that is capable of wounding or interacting with Familiars from the 5th Dimension, something that normal Sword Arms and conventional weaponry cannot do unless heavily imbued with Raw Magical Energy. The Mabel Arm is what houses the Power and transformation of Arthur's  Auspicious Tailed-Beasts form. When summoned, he can immediately enter his ATB MAB form, provided that he has prepared beforehand.
  2. Wheel-Turning King Sword Arm PENDRAGON: A Chakravartin Sword Arm is a unique Sword Arm that a Mage can manifest as an icon of their Chakravartin Form itself. This Sword Arm can be summoned to enter their Chakravartin State and also be used while in the state. Arthur's is called PENDRAGON and manifests as a great sword about 1 meter in length with a long and wide blade.
  3. The Sword of Kings, Dharma Excalibur: When Arthur enters his Chakravartin State via PENDRAGON, he merges it with Excalibur to temporarily create the mythical sword Dharma Excalibur while in his Wheel-Turning King form.

Arthur's Bhagavad-Dharma Khakkhara Of Karmatic Transformation
The Bhagavad-Dharma Khakkhara possesses the unique ability to interact with the intricate web of karma that governs the destinies of all living beings. Its wielder can influence and modify the karmic threads that weave the tapestry of individuals' lives.
  1. Cleansing Negative Karma: When wielded with pure intentions and a compassionate heart, the Khakkhara can cleanse the burden of negative karma that afflicts a person. This power allows the user to alleviate the consequences of past misdeeds, freeing individuals from the shackles of their own negative actions. It does not erase one's karmic history but rather mitigates its impact, giving them a chance to walk a more virtuous path.
  2. Bestowing Blessings: The staff has the ability to bestow blessings upon others. By invoking the divine energies within the Khakkhara, the wielder can channel positive karma into someone's life. This grants them opportunities for growth, success, and well-being. The blessings may manifest as improved circumstances, increased wisdom, or unexpected assistance from the universe.
  3. Balancing Karma: The Bhagavad-Dharma Khakkhara serves as a cosmic balancer of karma. It ensures that individuals receive the consequences of their actions in a fair and just manner, aligning their life experiences with their past deeds. This balance encourages personal growth and spiritual evolution.
  4. Guidance and Insight: Through a deep connection with the Khakkhara, the user gains insights into the karmic patterns that shape events and destinies. They can foresee the potential consequences of various choices and actions, helping them make informed decisions and guide others on their spiritual journeys.
  5. Harmonizing with Cosmic Order: The staff's power is in harmony with the cosmic order, upholding the principles of dharma (righteousness) and karma (action). It encourages the wielder and those they influence to live virtuously, act ethically, and strive for spiritual progress.

The Prydwen Wagon, Duke Cafall, the steeds Llamrei and Hengroen
Llamrei and Hengroen are two extraordinary Phantom Steeds descended from Sleipnir, bearing six legs. They belong to King Arthur and pull his war wagon, Prydwen. Prydwen is a magical wagon that can travel on almost any surface, even through space. When Prydwen is summoned, it is steered by Duke Cafall, a loyal servant to King Arthur, who is a formidable warrior and one of Arthur's oldest allies. Cafall not only steers the wagon but also defends it in his lord's name, making him an essential part of Arthur's adventuring team.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Arthur Ambrosius was the youngest child of King Uther III and Queen-Consort Igraine of Camelot. From a young age, Arthur craved adventure and was sent to study under Lord Ector the 5th of Ectorberg, a planet of wealthy trade within the Kingdom of Camelot, and a loyal knight to King Uther III. Lord Ector's own heir was the lordling Ector the 6th, but Arthur got along much better with the youngest son, Kay, and came to call him brother. When Arthur's oldest brother, Madoc, had children, his chance at the throne was lost and he gladly took up his sword for traveling as a Beggar Knight with Kay and their friend Bedwyr.


  • Arthur received his formal education in Philosophy, Literature, Poetry, History, Arithmetic, Higher Reasoning, Science, and Technology while on Britannia studying with his siblings under the Wizard Merlin.
  • The foundation of war and strategy was taught to Arthur by his father Uther III and was completed during his time on Ectorberg under King Ector V. Lord Ector's instructors finished his swordsmanship and marksmanship training as well.
  • Arthur was educated on Magic on Planet Avalon by his mother Igraine and her daughters, over the course of six years he could use all 8 magical arts without fail.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Of the Rescue of Lady Olwen, the Journey to Jötunheimr, and the Founding of Gorenhelm
This tale begins with the Kingdom of Paris, ruled by King Cilydd and his wife, Queen Goleuddydd, daughter of Amlawdd Wledig Ambrosius the 1st. Paris had long since suffered a blood feud with the Kingdom of Basq, under the rule of Jötnar King Ysbaddaden. The source of this feud was long forgotten but Paris and Basq were sworn enemies, something that was supposed to change with the birth of Cilydd's son, Prince Culhwch the 3rd. Prince Culhwch was to wed Princess Olwen, Ysbaddaden's daughter, and finally end the conflict. However, the situation soured when Queen Goleuddydd died under queer circumstances and tensions rose once more. Things got worse when King Cilydd remarried Lady Helena, the widowed wife of a fallen kingdom, King Doged. Helena's arrival marked the decline of King Cilydd's health and Prince Culhwch discovered her plot with Ysbaddaden to usurp his family and take control of the Paris Kingdom for herself. Queen Helena came to rule on Cilydd's behalf and annulled the expected wedding of Culhwch and Olwen, instead promising his hand to one of her daughters instead. Olwen was dismissed back to Basq, under her father's control, and King Cilydd grew weaker. Culhwch counsuled his father, he wanted to pursue Olwen but his father warned him that fighting Ysbaddaden and his sons was death assured. But that he should instead seek out his good cousin, Prince Arthur Ambrosius the 1st, a knight of exceptional fame and power. If Arthur aids him, Ysbaddaden and Helena will fail.
In his youth, Arthur traveled with his fellow swords and hired guns, sometimes under orders from his brother, King Madoc, and other times simply entertaining himself with an adventure through the Realms. Among his companions were Sir Kay of Ectorberg, the one-armed warrior Sir Bedwyr of the Perfect Sinew and his twin brother Sir Lucan the Butler, Prince Gawain the First Star, the wandering sword Gwrhyr, the Interpreter of Languages, the enigmatic shapeshifter and Enchanted Knight Sir Menw, son of Three-Cries and his young son, the squire Anynnawg, the Fae Lord Gwyn, son of Nudd and his wife Lady Creiddylad, and Cynddylig, who possessed a touch of insight. Arthur was not alone, for he journeyed with a small pack of Beast-Men, led by Duke Cafall, a lord of the Hunt. His loyal companions included Gwyddrud, Gwyddneu Astrus, Aned, Aethelm, Glas, Glessic, Gleisad, and Drudwyn. Under their command were a mighty host, 25,000 Draco Milites from the Dragon Knights of Camelot, 10,000 Britannian Guardsmen, 500 Landed Knights of Ectorberg, 900 Avolonian Knights, the Zen Sellswords numbering 7,500, and the 35,000 Huntsmen under the command of Duke Cafall and his 8 Captains. Their force totaled 78,900, and this is how Arthur was found when his good cousin came to petition his aid, bowing deeply.
Culhwch petitioned Arthur and his knights for their aid to rescue Princess Olwen but cared very little for the Throne of Paris itself. While Helena held power right now, she was in a rush to wed him to one of her daughters to establish legitimacy among the other Noble Houses of the Kingdom, who were already plotting the fall of Culhwch's Clan. Without him, Helena's claim to the Throne is weak, if it exists at all, as King Cilydd is upon death's door due to her wickedness and he has no children by her. Within a few years, she and her kin will be driven from Paris and a new power to take over the Kingdom, but this is beyond the scope of this tale and outside of Culhwch's attention span. He only cared about Olwen and revealed that though they were not yet married, she was with his daughter. More than anything, Culhwch fears what King Ysbaddaden will do if he learns this, he has been against the marriage from the beginning and has already tried to kill him serval times over. His hate of Cilydd and Paris makes him dangerous and unpredictable, and this could put Olwen in danger. Arthur and his knights agree to aid Culhwch and immediately depart from the planet Nea'Ue with their force in tow. Before departing, Culhwch makes Arthur and his most trusted knights swear upon their Oath Eternal to prioritize Olwen's rescue above all else. Even if Culhwch's own life is put in danger, they are to save Olwen at his expense.
The Basq Kingdom is located, primarily, in the 4th ring, the Outer Worlds, of Miðgarðr, and their Seat of Power lies in the center, the planet Custeous. However, traveling directly to Custeous is not possible, it is protected by the Utgard, a magical barrier, Jötnar magic, that repels any force. One of the planets in Basq has a portal that leads to Custeous but the portal moves around randomly and is only ever known about to a very select number of high officials. Arthur and his Order went on a journey to find this hidden passage and suffered a number of difficult trials and challenges in the process. They are referred to as the 40 Anoethau and some are recorded here, though they are not the focus of this tale.
  1. The first of these adventures concerns magical boars Twrch Trwyth and Ysgithyrwyn, two celestial beings from the 5th Dimension, rampaging across the Kingdom of Basq, bringing death and destruction. Though in this place to make war, Arthur was a knight and bound by honor to act accordingly and these two creatures could not be allowed to roam free. Culhwch and Arthur took half of their forces to pursue Twrch Trwyth and his 9 Piglets, while Duke Cafall took the other half of their forces and pursued Ysgithyrwyn. Twrch Trwyth and his piglets all divide Arthur's side even further, for Twrch Trwyth is a massive beast and his piglets are just as large and fearsome. The hunt takes them across 3 different planets where Twrch Trwyth causes mayhem and destruction like no other, shaking the worlds, splitting the sky, sinking cities, and destroying entire landmasses. Arthur and Culhwch fell Twrch Trwyth in the end on the fourth planet, though it took great effort and cost many lives, including many of their forces. Ysgithyrwyn the White-Tusk was pursued by Cafall and his Huntsmen for days on end across 6 planets for Ysgithyrwyn was exceptionally fast and elusive. However, Cafall and his captains would deceive the boar into a trap and slay him there, taking one of his tusks as a trophy. Both Twrch Trwyth and Ysgithyrwyn are creatures of the 5th Dimension and thus return there once "killed", though they will not return to the Mortal Cosmos for an age.
  2. The demigod Mabon, son of Modron, who was imprisoned on the planet Gloucester, is rescued by Culhwch, Sir Kay, and Sir Bedwyr when separated from the rest of the fleet. The three of them and their small detachment were struck with the demigod's cry for help from the orbit of the planet and descended to answer his call. The Kami of the planet and the people she ruled over had abused Mabon, they drew power from his body and immortality from his blood, causing him immense suffering. Sir Culhwch faced and defeated the corrupted Kami while Kay and Bedwyr rescued Mabon who, after recovering, agreed to journey with Culhwch on his quest to repay their kindness.
The planet Dungostea is the final stepping stone of the journey to rescuing Princess Olwen and is where the portal to Custeous is, guarded by Lord Custennin, the King's older brother who was robbed of the throne. Custennin once had 24 sons and challenged his brother for his birthright, the Kingdom of Basq. This rebellion failed and Ysbaddaden killed all of Custennin's children, sparing only the youngest as a hostage to keep Custennin in line and Guardian of the Custeous portal. Custennin and his knights guard the portal wherever it moves to within the Kingdom and will see Arthur and Culhwch's long journey end here. Custennin is faced by Sir Kay in honorable combat, Sir Kay prevails but spares the Jötnar warrior, understanding the Jötnar's motive to protect his last child. Kay vowed to protect the boy if Custennin permitted their passage, even pledging his life in exchange if he should fail. With Custennin defeated, Arthur and his knights finally arrive at their destination.
The six titanic sons of King Ysbaddaden (Ysbaddaden II, Pencawr, Ysbad, Cadwen, Ysbadu, and Taden) come to meet the small number of Arthur's forces that made it through the portal. The six sons bring no armies or bannermen, just themselves and the desire to make war. They break the knights upon the shore of Custeous and might have ended the quest here had Arthur not been present. Prince Arthur faced and felled Ysbaddaden II, Pencawr, Ysbad, Cadwen, Ysbadu, and Taden with his blade in hand, each blow that killed one of the towering Jötnar shook the ground and made the ocean tremble. Though pushed to his limits, Arthur Ambrosius had won, and in doing so, removed the last obstacle between Culhwch and Olwen. The sons of King Ysbaddaden were monsters in every sense of the word, known to the natives of the Kingdom of Basq as the "Bane of Mortal Men" for their habit of rampaging across the kingdom in their father's name. It was they who were responsible for stealing the magical beasts Twrch Trwyth and Ysgithyrwyn from the 5th Dimensions and made no effort to right their wrong.
With Arthur wounded and most of their own bannermen and hired guns either back on the other side of the portal or dead (or on death's door), the knights were largely on their own and pushed forward under Culhwch's leadership. They came to the capital city of Custeous where more bannermen and Jötnar knights awaited them, though none of them were as imposing as the sons of Ysbaddaden. With no siege equipment or overwhelming numbers, they were forced to sneak into the city to avoid an all-out war. It is during this process that Sir Kay discovers the location of the 24th son of Lord Custennin, Goreu, and releases him from captivity. The escape of Goreu triggers a conflict within the city that draws all the knights out of the shadows and a blood bath consumes the streets. The young Goreu cuts down so many foes that Kay dubs him Goreu the Beast, however, their victory is short-lived. King Ysbaddaden arrives threatening Olwen, and the knights are captured.
For the deaths of his sons, Ysbaddaden will kill Culhwch slowly and painfully in front of Olwen, after which he plans on killing Helena and claiming the Kingdom of Paris for himself. Culhwch is saved by the cunning of Sir Bedwyr and Menw, who release Culhwch and escape with Olwen and the other knights, save for Goreu, who will have his revenge. He goes to Ysbaddaden and faces him in combat, avenging the humiliation his father endured for many years and the deaths of his siblings. Ysbaddaden's blood spills before Culhwch and his companions even escape the city. Thus ended the quest to save Princess Olwen.
Goreu claimed the Basq Kingdom and named his father the rightful King, before renaming it to the Gorenhelm Kingdom. Culhwch finally wed Olwen who gave birth to his daughter, Oddydd, in the halls of Gorenhelm, where he decided to remain. This quest had been very long and Culhwch was never one for adventuring in the first place. He had voyaged enough for serval lifetimes and decided to settle down with his wife. As for Arthur, he was paid handsomely by King Custennin for his efforts before he bid his cousin farewell, and departed with his companions on their next adventure. Thus ends the tale of The Rescue Of Lady Olwen, The Journey To Jötunheimr, And The Founding Of Gorenhelm.

Mental Trauma

The Great War in Heaven saw the Holy Multiverse wage war on the Unholy Multiverse, and the Mortal Multiverse was caught in the middle, it was a war that lasted 777 years and is the bloodiest conflict ever recorded to date. Arthur led The Kingdom of Camelot during the onset of the War and when it started he was young and ambitious, but by the end of his reign, he was a shadow of his former self. The greatest weight on his mind was the death of many of his children during the war, most of which was the death of Prince Amar, one of his sons. Amar had accidentally been killed by Arthur's own hands during an Angelic Incursion and his last moments of horror are engraved in Arthur's mind.



Arthur is Named the 35th Great Dragon King of Camelot & the Start of the Great War in Heaven
134269 κρίση marked the start of the Great War in Heaven and revealed the hand the Dragon Knights played in it. In the White City, upon the Almighty, the Legions of House Iscariot laid siege to the City of God. The Prophet Judas, May We Be Blessed, wielded the Inverted Spear of Heaven and murdered Talos, the First Name of God, upon the Almighty. With the death of Talos, his Soul and Body were violated by Khaos, and in turn Khaos poisoned Yggdrasil, thus Judas' crime ruined the whole of creation. Judas and his Apostles were punished and the Holy Realms declared War on the Unholy Realms for the role they played in this sin. And thus the greatest war known to creation did begin.
Judas and Loki are names associated with the crime, but the one often left out is King Eliwlod, the 34th Pendragon. Young Eliwlod, son of King Madoc, was ambitious and sought to restore the Order to some false sense of former glory, having believed it to have fallen. Eliwlod was convinced that the End War was upon creation and that they needed to strike first to secure their future. Eliwlod needed the power of Talos, and thus he conspired with Loki and Judas to obtain this power, manipulated the whole time by beings he called his allies. In the end, Talos was killed and Eliwlod was taken by Khaos, transformed into the Disgraced One, Rider of the Beast of Sin. It was under these circumstances that Arthur was forced to take the throne and become the 35th Pendragon of Camelot to lead the Order.
When named Pendragon, Arthur and his knights immediately departed to locate the corrupted Eliwlod and lay him low. Arthur finds his nephew still under the control of Khaos guarding a Temple of Khaos stronghold.

Family Ties

  • Uther Ambrosius the 3rd | Parent ♂
  • Igraine Plouffe le Fay | Parent ♀
  • Madoc Ambrosius | Sibling ♂
  • Clarine Ambrosius | Sibling ♀
  • Höel Le'Mahieu | Half-Sibling ♂
  • Goloé Le'Mahieu | Half-Sibling ♂
  • Morgause le Fay | Half-Sibling & Lover
  • Mordred | Bastard Offspring
  • Elaine le Fay | Half-Sibling ♀
  • Morgana le Fay | Half-Sibling ♀
  • Mazoe le Fay | Half-Sibling ♀
  • Moronoe le Fay | Half-Sibling ♀
  • Marrion le Fay | Half-Sibling ♀
  • Morrigan le Fay | Half-Sibling ♀
  • Macha le Fay | Half-Sibling ♀
  • Marbon le Fay | Half-Sibling ♂
Arthur is the youngest child of Uther Ambrosius III and Igraine le Fay, his older brother was Madoc and his older sister was Clarine Ambrosius. The children of Igraine with her previous husband are Arthur's half-siblings. The eldest of them is Höel, Marbon, and Goloé, the only male half-siblings. The remaining are the nine sisters Morgause, Elaine, Morgana, Mazoe, Moronoe, Marrion, and Macha.
  • Guinevere Cameliardes | Spouse ♀
  • Archfedd Ambrosius | Offspring ♀
  • Amar Ambrosius | Offspring ♂
  • Gwydre Ambrosius | Offspring ♂
  • Uthyr Ambrosius | Offspring ♂
  • Llacheu Ambrosius | Offspring ♂
  • Hilde Ambrosius | Offspring ♀
  • Aristes Ambrosius | Offspring ♂
  • Adeluf Ambrosius the 3rd | Offspring ♂
  • Duran Ambrosius | Offspring ♂
  • Arthur Ambrosius the 2nd | Offspring ♂
  • Llinot Ambrosius | Offspring ♂
  • Loholt Ambrosius | Offspring ♂
  • Nathalia Ambrosius | Offspring ♀
  • Amlawdd Ambrosius the 2nd | Offspring ♂
The fair lady Guinevere was the daughter of Duke Leodegrance Cameliardes the 1st, Lord of Cameliard, one of the 9 Domains of Avalon. Guinevere was wed to Arthur when he took the title of Pendragon during the Great War in Heaven and together they had serval children.
  • MAB | Lover ♀
  • Morgan | Offspring ♂
  • Patrike | Offspring ♂
MAB is a Familiar from the 5th Dimension whom a young Arthur had developed a love for after being stranded there. She would create two Fae sons for Arthur, Morgan, and Patrike.
  • Lyzianor DuCorentin | Lover ♀
  • Bohort DuCorentin | Offspring ♂
  • Boarte DuCorentin | Offspring ♀
  • Bohart DuCorentin | Offspring ♂
  • Borre DuCorentin | Offspring ♂
Lady Lyzianor was the chatelaine of a great city on the planet Bania, the holy city of Karadigan, whom Arthur served for a short time in his youth. Lyzianor's Clan were descendants of Light Elves who once staged a rebellion against Alfheimr and were banished to Midgard for their crimes. She pleased Arthur so well that he begat on her quadruplet sons, Bohort, Boarte, Bohart, and Borre, the Lords of Bania. Lord Borre would later come to serve as one of Arthur's knights after he was crowned King of Camelot and Bania joined the Kingdom.
  • Eleirch Iaensdottir | Lover
  • Kyduan Eleirchsson | Offspring
  • Cydfan Eleirchsdottir | Offspring
Eleirch was a bastard of Lord Iaen, an Ásgardian warrior in service to the twin Kings of Þrúðheimr. When she left home she found work as a Geisha in Midgard and was incredibly successful. Arthur begat on her his son Kyduan and his daughter Cydfan, golden-haired and just as powerful.


King Arthur Pendragon, the Once and Future King

Half-Sibling (Important)

Towards Fear the Enigma Queen



Fear the Enigma Queen

Half-Sibling (Important)

Towards King Arthur Pendragon, the Once and Future King




Morgana and Arthur were once grave enemies induced by her madness, but have since mended their relationship after he saved her from Khaos. She served him faithfully as a council during the Great War in Heaven and mourned his death.

King Arthur Pendragon, the Once and Future King

Brother-In-Arms (Vital)

Towards The Demon Lancelot, Beholder Of The Word Ind-Legendary



The Demon Lancelot, Beholder Of The Word Ind-Legendary

Brother-In-Arms (Vital)

Towards King Arthur Pendragon, the Once and Future King




Arthur and Lancelot are brothers in arms, they have seen more battles together than most troopers will ever see in their lifetimes. Though polar opposites they complement each other perfectly.

Mab, the Two-Tailed Fae

Lover (Trivial)

Towards King Arthur Pendragon, the Once and Future King



King Arthur Pendragon, the Once and Future King

Lover (Important)

Towards Mab, the Two-Tailed Fae



The le Fay Clan Shield
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The 35th Great Dragon King of Camelot
  • the Great
  • Pendragon
  • The Once And Future King
  • Hero Among Heroes
  • Warrior of the Great War in Heaven
  • Wheel-Turning King Arthur
  • Slayer of the Sons of Ysbaddaden
  • Lord of Saṃsāra, King of the World, Master of the Wheel
134196 134439
Circumstances of Death
Slain by Mordred the Black
Britannia, Camelot
Place of Death
The Planet Brittania
Fear the Enigma Queen (Half-Sibling)
Piercing Sky Blue
Long Golden Curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan / White / Cream
250 Lbs.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


Author's Notes

  • Llamrei
Llamrei was a mare owned by King Arthur, according to the Welsh tale "Culhwch and Olwen". Close to Llyn Barfog in Wales is a hoof print etched deep into the rock "Carn March Arthur", or the "Stone of Arthur's Horse", which was supposedly made by King Arthur's mount, Llamrei, when it was hauling the terrible Addanc, or "afanc" monster, from the lake. Welsh chronicles mention two names of horses owned by King Arthur. They are in the Tale of Culwich and Olwen. They attribute to Arthur a mare called Llamrei and another horse called Hengroen.
  • King Arthur's Dog, Cavall
Cavall (Middle Welsh: cauall RBH & WBR; modernized: Cafall; pronounced [kaˈvaɬ]; Latin: Cabal, var. Caball (ms.K)) was King Arthur's dog, used in the hunt for the great boar, Twrch Trwyth (Latin: Troynt, Troit). Cavall was Arthur's "favorite dog", and during a stag hunt, he was customarily the last dog to be let loose to chase after the game. Legend in antiquity has it that Cabal left his permanent footprint in the rock while pursuing the boar Troynt. The lore is preserved in the Wonders of Britain (De Mirabilibus Britanniae or Mirabilia in shorthand) appended to Historia Brittonum (9th century). The wondrous nature of this cairn of stones was that even if someone removed that foot-printed stone to another spot, it would be back at its original heap the next day.

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