The Woeful Countenance Building / Landmark in The Seven | World Anvil
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The Woeful Countenance

Directly in the center of Whitecrest Ridge, to the south of Talonspire, on the main south road that leads from that castle to the Gate of the Gap, is a medium sized tavern. On a wooden arm beside the main entrance hangs a weathered and stained old cloth sign with no words on it; just a painted image of a man with blue eyes, gold hair and beard and a sour expression on his face.   Inside, the tavern is unremarkable in style and decor, but the ale and food are good and its proximity to the center of the city in all senses, geographic, political, commercial, makes this the most popular spot for meat and mead in the The Basin.   Upstairs are some dozen or so rooms to rent for the night.
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