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The Scion's Reach


The History of The Scion's Reach so far

There was an ancient alien civilization in Elysium before, a race we now call the Archeans. Not much is publicly known about them, as only a handful of ruins and artifacts have been found so far, and all of them in a single location, under the jurisdiction of a single nation.

Current Species & Cultures

There are three major factions in The Scion's Reach, who are, in turn:

  1. The Vestan Federation, a democratic rebublic born from the ashes of the Interstellar War after the collapse of the previous world government.
  2. The Enodian Ascendancy, a militaristic absolute monarchy born from the Interstellar War and with a grudge against Vesta and its people.
  3. The Elysian Security Organization, an overly cautious alliance of independant worlds that would do anything to maintain their independance.

In addition to these three major factions, The Scion's Reach also has three minor factions:

  1. The Unity Concord, a city-state that serves as the frontline against pirates in Ceryx, and is a beacon of hope and liberty in the void of space.
  2. The Nomad Fleets, the result of the harsh consequences of the Interstellar War that continue to roam Elysium freely.
  3. The Criminal Underworld, an organized crime network that spans the entire world, with more of less grip over the criminal activities of each region.