Harmonic and Melodic Relationships in The Savage Woods | World Anvil

Harmonic and Melodic Relationships

In Veiamic culture, sexuality is divided into two broad categories. A person can be described as being either melodic or harmonic. A harmonic person is someone who engages in the societal expectation of entering relationships with a different gender.
  Being harmonic, also described as "living in harmony" is prioritized in society. Having children is an assumed part of living in harmony, but not necessary, though couples who don't have any children will be looked at as strange. This is especially true in Kaleina and Vaansiam, as having a large family is one of the holy traits in Keitism, and having a large family is highly valued in society.
  Anyone who does not have different-gendered relationships is referred to as melodic. Exclusively having same-gender relationships and having no relationships at all is equally melodic.
  A person who sleeps with many different-gender partners but has no long-term relationships could be described as either harmonic or melodic, depending on how conservative the speaker is. At the extreme end, anyone who isn't married with children might be called melodic, or they might be politely described as "lives more like a melody."
  The acceptance of being melodic increases the higher in society one goes. In rural villages, where large families are important for running farms and taking care of parents in their old age, refusing to have children is seen as not participating in the community. While there is no punishment for being melodic even in the least accepting communities, those who live harmonically are more valued in society.
  In urban areas with less focus on community and less need for large families, there is less of a stigma. Melodic people are seen as a little unusual, at worst a little embarrassing, but not a problem.


Marriage rites in Veiama are not exclusive to any gender configuration. Although a man and a woman is the most common, so-called "counterpoint relationships" or "counterpoint marriages" between members of the same gender are conducted by druids without hesitation.
  Although counterpoint relationships are usually between two melodic people (hence the name), this is not always the case. A harmonic person who has relationships with both the same gender and different genders is still harmonic even if they are currently in a counterpoint relationship. If that relationship turns into marriage, though, they would usually start to call themselves melodic (as to say they are harmonic suggests they are still having relations with different genders, are thus are not monagmous). Harmonic and melodic are not solid identities and do not define preferences - they simply describe present behaviour.