Eilian Tradition / Ritual in The Savage Woods | World Anvil


Literally, "correctness," Eilian is the system of dietary rules prescribed in the Book of Ainokeinen and followed by Keitists The set of rules is called Eilian, and food that is allowed under these rules is lian. Forbidden foods are called maala.   The main idea behind Eilian is to live in alignment with the gods and nature. Followers of Eilian consider it a way to partake of the world's bounty respectfully and properly.  

Maala Foods

  1. Alcohol
  2. Carrion
  3. Birds of prey
  4. Any animal that both has hair and produces milk (mammals)
  5. Any animal with scales that lives on land (reptiles)
  6. Any animal with more then 4 legs (arachnids and bugs)
  7. The animal represented by your tausai

Lian Slaughter

In addition to being on the approved list, meat eaten must be slaughtered humanely. The animal must be killed as quickly and efficiently as possible, with a sharp, clean blade. The animal must not see or smell the blood from previous slaughter.  

In Practice

Vaansiam, a theocratic state, enshrined Eilian in their laws and all residents of the country must follow them. It is forbidden to bring alcohol into the country, or to slaughter maala animals for consumption.   Kaleina is also Keitist, but Eilian there is a personal choice and is followed more loosely. The most frequently broken rule is the prohibition on alcohol.   Even though mammal meat is not actually illegal in Kaleina, centuries of culturally considering it taboo to eat make it uncommon. Meat from ox, deer, caribou, goats, and pigs is eaten by Karuvian and Manashin minorities, and some Taalites feeling rebellious.   In cultures that follow Eilian, poultry and fish are a staple of the diet.