

The Triumph is an very old tradition that has been used since the old days of the Kingdom of Vatia. With each of them take place after a war was successfully complete. These where originally for military leaders who severed valiantly in battle in the defense of Vatia from invading barbarians and rival states. These where mean't to show humility to the people that they where only doing their duty and with humility excepted the honor granted to them by the king. It was just them riding on a horse and kneeling before the king and have a loral place on his head. He would give up his control of hist to signify a time of peace. His men would also be honored as they would all share a feast with him as thanks for their duty. But as the empire rose to power this tradition changed to glorify military commanders and generals victorious in war. With many wars and campaigns through the history of the empire many military leaders were dressed in the finest of and loral made of gold would be placed on their heads. He would ride a chariot that decorated in silver and driven by the most elegant horses, His soldier march with him in full armor in the city with carts full of plunder from the war that was taken by them. Much of it would be animal, slaves and riches taken form the enemy. Enemy leaders would displayed as well often being paraded as trophies and executed in public for defying the empire. It was once strangulation, but is was soon changed to burning ash the stake when the Vatians made the The Spirit and Flame their religion. Music would play as they marched towards the palace and money would thrown into the crowds. Doves and flower pedals would drown into the are as they where marching by. This would go on until they reached the imperial Palace where the military leaders would reward with Medal of Glory, a significant military award and their deeds are written down into the history of the empire. As for their men they given a bonus to their wages as a reward.


First horns are played to signify the beginning of the march, and solders begin to march through the streets. Their leader is at at the head of the army with all of his ceremonial clothing on. The slaves and plunder are in the center of the group. All of this is to show military force and the rewards that come with it. Once they get closer to the palace, doves and flowers are thrown from the crowds. Signifying that the people and their god are with them. Gold is then thrown into the crowd, saying their wealth is the people’s wealth. As they final each it the leader gets off the chariot and kneels before the emperor. They is praised for their duty in severing the empire and the Medal of Glory is bestowed to them. If any enemy leader are captured, they are burned at the stake after the medal is presented. Representing that they are heathens for standing against them and by doing this they are against The Spirit and Flame

Components and tools

The golden laurel and the Medal of Glory are necessary to the Triumph. Along with the robes the the leader wears during it.


The key figures are the military leader being celebrated for his victory and the emperor who still has authority over them. Along with all the other royal family members who are able to be present.


The Triumph takes place a month after a general comes from a campaign or a war, often when the weather is at its best, it tames time for prepare such a large performance and everything must go according to plan to show the people the radiance of the general.
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Cover image: Winners of war by czohan


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