The Shroud Myth in The Sagas | World Anvil

The Shroud

All should be wary when the mists cover the sea for the Shroud will take them away to damnation if it catches them. - Old Sailor


The Shroud is a supernatural event that is said to happen out at sea at night. Often taking the form of a thick mist that is difficult to see through with no end in sight. Only for it to become thicker and thicker the more a ship goes into it until they see nothing in front of them. When it finally leaves those that enter it vanish without a trace and are never see again. What happens to them remains a mystery and none wish to find out about it for it's believed to be a horrible fate. Even entire ships disappear with those on boards with no evidence that it was even there at all. As not even wreckage from the ship can be found at all and no one can be found or has ever returned it. It is an all-powerful force that very few people can ever escape from and those who do often speak of the eerie silence that comes with it.

Historical Basis

It is believed that the tale is mostly a warning to sailors who venture out to see as it is full of many dangers. With the slightest mistake often taking the lives of all onboard a ship to cause it to sink. From jagged cliffs to sea monsters that can swallow ships whole its is a dangerous life to live. But the most notable danger is often fog that blinds the vision of those on board a ship which can lead them to their doom if they do not know what dangers lurk around them.


The tale is spread greatly across the Hyperion Isles as it was first told by Hyperions, but it has managed to gain traction in other areas of the world as well, namely in communities where fishing and sailing are the main livelihoods for its people.

Variations & Mutation

The Shroud itself has been interpreted differently as no one knows what is actually in it to make those who enter it never be seen again. With some tellings believing that the mists contain the lost souls of sailors lost as sea unable to find peace and claim the lives of living that come across. While others believe that a sea monster brings it with it to conceal its presence from ships that would see it only make a meal out of them and its crews. Along with the religious version of a vengeful sea god that created it to enact as a punishment that mortal committed against him long ago.

Cultural Reception

Hyperions believe that the legend is very real due to their seafaring ancestry and the many superstitions that come with it. Often making sure that when they do go out at sea they make sure that they are on guard at all times to ensure that the Shroud does not catch them. While most other cultures believe it to be nothing more than a ghost story, but some who are a part of their maritime industry believe the tale to be true.
Date of First Recording
2000 BCA
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Mikk Tõnissoo


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