Ice Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Sagas | World Anvil

Ice Magic

You have to understand that just because I can use Ice magic does not mean I am cold and heartless - Annoyed Glaciesmancer
  Ice magic is one of the more hazardous types of Primordial Magic that anyone can use. But its power in being used in a balanced form of attack and defense is quickly useful when used correctly. Especially when used in cold environments that allow it to be almost impossible to beat if properly mastered.


Icy Balance

  Ice magic is one of the two balanced types of magic that are known for its ability to be used in attack and defense. Its form is easy to take shape at will and it is solid enough to block and damaged objects. But is only restricted by the imagination of the user that allows itself to be fully exploited. There is also the matter of ice magic in general as it has been known to cause harm to those who cast it as the cold temperatures tend to cause them to suffer the effects of frostbite and hypothermia after prolonged exposure. Though this can be remedied through training techniques and magic items to protect them from these dangers. But ice magic also can be greatly affected by the environment it is in as well as cold temperatures are more preferable to warmer ones as they become weakened and not for as long. Making many who master the area make their dwellings in colder climates become more powerful that way. Though most people consider ice magic too dangerous as it can get out of control if the users lose control causing them to take a more stoic lifestyle to ensure their emotions do not take over.  

Merciless and Unyeilding

  Whenever winter comes the cold takes control of everything and forces all to seek shelter to not to freeze to death. The same can be said with ice magic expect that it can be controlled to target anything in its reach. Not to mention that even after the magic is done it lingers until it slowly melt away showing that ice can not be fully controlled as if it wants to stay. It can hazardous as well as ice magic will all who are in the ranger of it both friend and foe alike with no exceptions. Making it unpredictable even for those who use it times as well as even they will feel it the longer they use it for a time. This also can be used to its advantage as there are very few ways to counteract this form of magic as ice can be a strong as steel, piercing armor and blocking the blows from weapons with ease. For only heat and strength can force the ice to yield while all other things will succumb to its might.  

Breaker of Wills

  No likes the cold as it cause discomfort and pain and many will agree with that as it is true. So what do would happen if someone had to face a person capable of creating something that they would have. The most logical answer would be to run, but most people are idiots and think they can beat it. Only for them to realize the cold hard truth that they are fighting a losing war at this point. As their will to fight is fading from the numbness that they are feeling from the ice covering them. Another benefit of ice magic is that people are more likely to give up fighting you as no one likes to end up frozen in a sheet of ice. Making it easier to capture people without actually harming them unless you want to freeze them to death that is.


Domain of Cold

  Ice magic is only as strong as its user and environment will let it be due to the durability it can achieve with it. As all people know ice will melt with warm temperatures depending on how warm it is. Meaning that if it was a summer day its strength will be greatly weakened and not as effective in some cases stating it will melt even before it hits its target. This means that the user is vulnerable as the magic will not properly work and at risk of harm as they a useless to do anything. This is why ice magic is more suited to colder climates or should be used a night due to cooler temperatures. Though magic items may help them keep their magic strong they can only do so much.
Metaphysical, Arcane

Frozen Fury

  Ice Magic is something that no one should ever underestimate as it is the harbinger of winter itself. To have a nice summer day turn into a frozen hell is not an experience no one wants to ever experience. To face some who use it means they will face a power that very few can properly face on their own. For ice is unrelenting as it is merciless to whatever comes into its reach and it will take the life out of any living thing it touches. Its ability to take shape and the speed it spreads is also something to deal to take note of. For even the mightiest of foes will often fall to the fight of the merciless cold that to sap away at their strength and suck the life out of them as if they were already dead.  

Areas of Interest

  Control: Ice needs control to properly use as it will just get out of control if it does not. This also can be said about the will of the individual as they decide on the acts and it is only limited to the power of their imagination in how to use it. Though the ice will linger after it is cast it is up to them to decide how much is going to be used and where it will go. For the control it and not the other way around as it bends to their will and should stay away or be overcome by it.   Area: Ice can cover a large area in little time and affect everything around it. It can be used to act from a distance and set up a defense close by. Along with being able to create certain objects to move around their environment much easier. But its spread can have its advantage and disadvantages as it can cause damage to anyone or anything in its range with no way to stop it.   Endurance: The strength of ice lies in its endurance to gain an advantage in a fight. The colder the ice is the stronger it becomes and what it can achieve in a matter of moments. Making it harder to break and melt creating lasting effects on everything around it. Ever the temperature that sustains it will cause damage to everything it touches organic and inorganic alike.


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Oct 22, 2021 16:54 by Kahuna The Elder

Good article! My one critique is the size of the cover image. It forces me to scroll quite a bit before I even see the title, and kind of dwarfs the text. But it is very pretty!

Kahuna the Elder aka Leo - Creator of Arnathia