Hydra Species in The Sagas | World Anvil


Nothing ever good happens when a Hydra is around; they chase away all the food and poison the waters just to feast on everything. - Fishermen
  The Hydra is a monster that should not be taken lightly. Its size and the many other dangers that come with it often make it a foe that should never be faced unless one is well prepared to do so. Hydras are considered one of the most dangerous creatures on the Dark Continent, with very few creatures that can face and kill them. Making it common for all living things to avoid them at all costs unless an encounter is unavoidable.

Basic Information


A quadruped with four legs and a tail with a long thin body. It has round claws for feet with three toes on them. Thick scales cover its body with several heads attached to it with long slender needs attached to them.

Biological Traits

Lethal Venom: This creature's venom will often result in death if it enters the body quickly. Chances of having an antidote for the venom will often be slim as it can only be made from the creature's venom.   Regenerative Properties: The creature can heal much faster than a normal creature. Injuries that may take days can vanish in a matter of hours, along with fatal wounds and severed limbs being healed to avoid certain creature's death.   Multiple Heads: Hydras have multiple heads at birth, each being able to think for itself. However, the main head has control over its body, and if any of these heads are severed, two more will usually take its place and function. As long a one head remains the Hydras body will not die.

Genetics and Reproduction

Hydras reproduce with males and females by laying eggs that take four months and two months to hatch, with a clutch of six to ten eggs. The eggs are often the size of a Human head and have thick shells that are placed in a nest made of mud and covered in sunlight.

Growth Rate & Stages

All Hydras start off with three heads when they are born and will be the size of a small dog when they are born. They will mainly remain of land until they get bigger in order to avoid larger predators in the water and their legs are long enough to help them swim. They will shed their skin as they grow and their scales getting thicker each time they do so. Their venom is more potent when they are younger and and will be refined as they age. If they do lose a head two more will grow back to replace them as most young Hydra will lose a head or two before they are full grown.

Ecology and Habitats

Hydra makes their home in wet environments such as swamps or marshes, spending most of their lives in the water to travel and hunt. They are, however, able to walk on land went they can. However, these areas that a Hydra inhabits will often be covered in its venom, for it dripping into the water, making it undrinkable for long periods, and can cause a burning sensation if it has contact with skin.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Hydras are canviourus often eating anything that enter their territory of ambushing their prey by being submerged underwater and waiting for it to come by wtit heads trying to catch it with their teeth. If venom mages to get on their prey their flesh will being to burn just by dripping on thier skin, with it injecting into the body causing almost instant death.

Biological Cycle

Hydras will shed their skin every few months as they grow and have healthier skin. This process takes time though due to its size often taking weeks for one of its heads to shed its skin.


Hydra are soltiary creatures often never being around their own kind for until it is mating season. Hydras are highly territorial and will fight others of its kind to keep it hunting ground even resorting to canbillsim on younger Hydras is necessary. Hydras consider all creatures to be its food and will hunt anything that enters it territory no matter the size or the numbers.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Hydra live solitary for much of their lives; in fact; most Hydras are separated by many miles to claim their territory and not fight with one another over it. Those that do enter the territory of another Hydra will often fight them to either kill the or chase them alway. The only time they come near each other is during mating season.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Many people go after hydras due to their venom and lethality. But they also take one of its heads as a trophy as proof of slaying or wounding such as a horrifying beast.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Hydras are only found on the Dark Continent, mainly in swamps.

Average Intelligence

Stone turtles are said to have long memories being able to remember everything thing they see, even recognizing a person being separated from each other after decades.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sight: Excellent   Sound: Good   Smell: Good
Scientific Name
Class: Monstrous
80 - 120 years
Average Height
16 - 25 ft
Average Weight
2 - 5 tons
Average Length
13 - 19 ft
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Blue, grey, green

Hard To Kill

You have to rely on all of your skills and training if you ever hope to kill a Hydra because those serpents don’t know how to die no matter how many times you hit ‘em. - Veteran Hunter
  Another reason Hydras are considered more deadly than most other creatures is because it is difficult to kill them as their bodies are submerged underwater. The tainted water surrounding them makes it impossible to damage their body. For that reason, its heads are the only thing that can be damaged with many simple tries to cut them off, only to be terrified that two more heads have grown from where the previous one was. Making it much harder to kill and dangerous as they must fight against more teeth every time a head is cut off; however, there are ways to counter this, such as impaling the heads with a sharp object instead of severing them and burning the stumps of the where the head was can also stop them from growing back.  

Hidden Serpent

I don’t care that you need to find plants in the swamp; there’s a Hydra in there, and those monsters can be anywhere when they are in the water. - Guide
  Hydras are at home in the water, making it impossible to find them when they are in it. The only way to find one is them is if they are hunting in their territory. However, this can be dangerous as they can easily go in and out of the water like any snake, only with legs. They can easily blend in with the water and move silently, making it hard to defend themselves when it comes out to attack. Those that are not prepared will most likely end up on the Hydra menu so enough as they strike from the water and drag into to be torn to pieces by its many heads.

Cover image: by Midjourney


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