Griffon Species in The Sagas | World Anvil


Griffons are the creation of experimentations with magic by the Warlock Lords in the hopes of creating weapons of war. Though they failed as they were uncontrollable and they escaped into the wild. They are now a highly adaptable spieces on the Continent of Norria and quickly become apex predators and rivaling natives species that existed longer then them. Making them one of the most dangerous creatures to ever exist in the world.

Basic Information


A griffon's body is a curious one as it body is that of a lion or some other sort of large cat and its front legs and head are that of an eagle. Along with a pair of eagle wings. With sturdy muscles and flexibile bones.

Biological Traits

Griffons capable of flying higher then most other flyers and are able to perform highly difficult maneuvers without giving up speed or strength.

Genetics and Reproduction

Griffon generally lay eggs which take three months to be laid and it takes the egg two months to hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

A griffon infant griffon is blind and does not have its not have any feathers yet, instead small amount of fur. After a few weeks their eyes develop and their fur beings to thicken. As they grow, their feather being to come in around their head and wings.

Ecology and Habitats

Griffons prefer mountain ranges as it provides protection and advantages in sight as the fly across the sky. Allowing them to see prey without giving away any cover.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Griffons a hunters by heart and often strike from the skies on unsuspecting prey. They go straight for the kill and carry of their food to their nest do safely eat it.

Biological Cycle

They often have their old feather fall out for knew ones to grow. Along with gaining extra fur when the winter comes around.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Griffons are solitary hunters in nature and tend keep to themselves. Often only allowing another Griffon in their territory when it is their mate and stays with them for life and to protect their nest.


Griffons can be trained at a early age, but older one are too wild to train. They often form a bound with those who train them and care for them. Making them more protective of their trainer. With only them allowing them and tolerating other people near them. They are also more social with other Griffons often forming social groups when together. But there is still a wild nature that remains inside them makin

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Hunters often seek their heads and fur for trophies. There eggs are also considered valuable to sell and eat.

Facial characteristics

Head of an eagle.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are often found on the continent of Continent of Norria.

Average Intelligence

Griffons are capable of solving problems and understand the strengths and weaknes of what they fight. They also understand what certain sounds and noises mean. Along with using their environment to there advantage. They also use their wing to make themselves larger for intimidation. They also communicate with a series of noise to communicate with other Griffons and use high pitch screeching to scar prey and other predators.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Griffons have extraordinary sophisticated eyesight that can see for miles perfectly and hearing that is capable of picking up the slightest of sounds,
Scientific Name
Class: Magic Born
40 - 50 years
Conservation Status
Their are said to be at least eighty thousand that exist.
Average Height
Male: 7 - 8 ft   Female: 5 - 6 ft
Average Weight
Males: 600 - 800 lbs   Female: 500 - 700 lbs
Average Length
Males: 6 - 8 ft   Male: 5 - 7 ft
Average Physique
Griffons are balance between strength and spend which allows them to adapt to certain situations. Allowing them to use their strength to pin their prey and their speed to catch prey and avoid danger with their fast reflexes.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Brown, yellow, black, tan, white, red fur and feathers.

Cover image: Griffon by João Bosco


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