Armored Maw

There is nothing more dangerous than a fish that is wearing armor to protect itself and has the jaws of a shark. I tried harpoon one of those devils and it didn’t even go through its hide. - Sailor
  The Armored Maw is an animal that is as dangerous as any shark but with thick scales and plated armor that makes up its skull. Of course, these carnivorous fish have been known to attack large ships and can damage them with their skull. Making a sailor's nightmare when the ship starts to sink with them in the water. Just trying to kill one is difficult since normal weapons can't pierce through their scales and armored plating. They are also considered valuable as well due to their tough skin and plating as they can be used to create armor and shields called Scale Plating that is as good as any steel. It is not difficult to find these things either as they can be found all over the world as they seemed to be able to adapt to their environment easily. You can even tell where they can come from depending on the color of their scales.  

Basic Information


A large fish with large muscles and seven fins. Its outer body is covered in armored plating and its bones are made of enamel. Though they are slow, they are strong swimmers.

Biological Traits

Jaws: Their jaws are strong and sharp enough to bite through armor and ship hulls.   Hide: It is armored plated and strong enough to withstand normal weapons.   Mouth: It is able to create a vacuum that is able to suck prey into its mouth.

Genetics and Reproduction

They mate and give live birth in a pregnancy that lasts for a few months.

Growth Rate & Stages

It takes fifteen years for them to reach maturity. At that time their armored plating is weak and continues to develop as time goes on.

Ecology and Habitats

They live in both deep and shallow water of the seas and use them as their hunting grounds.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are hunters that eat anything they can catch often using their jaws to crush and tear through flesh with ease. They have also been known to be cannibalistic and eat younger offspring and other adults when food is scarce.

Biological Cycle

As time goes on their armored plate will harden and its scales will change a different color.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They are solitary predators and only interact with one another when hunting down larger prey and mating. When they are not they are trying to eat each other or fight over food if there isn't enough to go around.  

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They are hunted mostly for their hides, skull, and meat. As their hides are tough and their skulls are armored plated and are sometimes stronger than steel. Their meat is a delicacy in some parts of the world and it can feed up to five dozen people at a time. The bone that is used as its teeth can be used to make weapons as well as they are very sharp and can cut through things with ease.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They have been known across many parts of the world's seas as they search for food.

Average Intelligence

They are highly aggressive and natural hunters.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Relies on sight and vibrations in the water to hunt. Along with their sense of smell that is used to hunt which is greatly developed.
Scientific Name
Class: Monsterous
30 years
Conservation Status
They number in the thousands across the oceans of the world as they easily adapt to them. Hunting water they can eat
Average Height
7 ft
Average Weight
3 tons
Average Length
30 ft
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
green, grey, red, blue

Cover image: Dunkleosteus by Lu Vazquez


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