Josephina Catherine McCullen Character in The Ring | World Anvil

Josephina Catherine McCullen

General Josephina Catherine McCullen (a.k.a. Baroness)

Josephina Catherine McCullen is currently 32, and General of the Iron Grenadiers. How such a relatively young woman has reached this station is not as surprising as one might think. Born April 23rd, 2006, in Callander Castle in Scotland, Josephina was named an old family friend of the McCullens and Catherine the Great. Her father was glad that his first child was a girl, as he would not, by family tradition, name her "James". He doted on his daughter, and she grew up to be something of a "daddy's girl".   Josephina, "J.C." to her friends, and "Little Lady Jay" to the members of the Iron Grenadiers, was a precocious child. She took to reading quickly and was diving into both comics and military strategy at the same time. She also heard tales of her Aunt, Alison, who went by the call name "Lady Jaye", and she was enraptured by the stories told by both her parents about her exploits. She also heard tales about her parents' exploits as well, normally told to her by members of the command of the Iron Grenadiers when they would visit. She grew up with idols of Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Sun Tzu, Miyamoto Musashi, as well as Captain America, Doctor Doom, and Deadpool.   Her younger sister, Jamie Katerina McCullen, was born when J.C. was 11. She was immediately devoted to her sister. She took the role of a protective older sister. A role that she still performs, even though her sister had grown to be quite capable in her own way. The two of them were inseparable. They were also quite the pair of troublemakers as Jamie got older. Josephina would plan the caper, and Jamie would often carry it out. When Jamie's mutation began to manifest, Josephina was a bit jealous, but instead of allowing it to make her bitter, she pushed herself even harder.   It was from this source of information that, when she heard the Board of Directors of her Father's company, M.A.R.S., and her father disagreeing on what to name the Private Fold Ship, she knew she had to step in. At the age of 12, she announced that the project would be called (not should be, or can be; would be) the Steven Rogers, after the great World War II hero, who was, himself a scientific experiment, and the first of his kind. Her Father stopped looked at the determination on her face, nodded and turned back to the Directors, and responded with, "The Lady has spoken. Who are we to disagree?".   Inspired by her desire to become the best she could be, a female supersoldier without the chemical enhancements, she began training with the different branches of the Iron Grenadiers at the age of 15 This was despite the protests of her parents. It wasn't until she demonstrated how much she had already learned from her mentors that they acquiesced. She had a head for tactics, the reflexes of some of the best of the Ashikage, and could throw a punch with the best of them. When she finally got to see the prototype SAMAS units, though, she fell utterly in love. She watched the development with an obsession that was almost scary. She was there when the prototype was first launched and has been with the project ever since. It is no surprise that now, years later, she is considered one of the best SAMAS pilots out there.   Josephina as the P.F.S. Steven Rogers got closer and closer to completion, began to spend more and more time with B.U.C.C.-3, "Bucky", the AI that was going to assist the command systems for the vessel. J.C., during this time, began to prefer being called by her full first name "Josephina". Her mother, Anastasia, was concerned about the amount of time that she was spending with a computer at such an influential age, but as there were no changes in behavior, so they just kept an eye on it, as best as they could.   On the day that the P.F.S. Steven Rogers launched, Josephina was 17. November 11, 2033, three months after the SDF-3 left to go find the Robotech Masters, the P.F.S. Steven Rogers made their jump. She wasn't much older when the ship first came across the Invid. This was the start of intense hatred. The Invid were evil. They were every B-grade villain she grew up reading about. They enslave planets and killed people, all over a flower. She knew she had to do her part, and began flying with the SAMAS. While her sister became one of the most dread snipers and infiltrators, due to her gifts, Josephina became one of the best commanders and SAMAS that the Iron Grenadiers had. She made a very close friend in Amaratsu Ashikage, and all the other Jannisary, whom the daughters considered as "siblings", in a way.   She had many adventures and close calls, and she always came back to the pride of her parents. She met aliens, raided Invid hives, been through a Genesis put, and even killed an Invid scientist in one on one combat in an Invid Ranger mecha. Her father and mother led it all from the command deck. Then came October 12, 2036. On this day, as she was flying her signature Golden Eagle SAMAS, Bucky sent an urgent communication to her. One of the SAMAS pilots that she was flying with was there to assassinate her. She avoided the assassin's shot just in time. After quickly dispatching her would-be assassin, she spun quickly towards the P.F.S. Steven Rogers to see an explosion from the command deck. She saw two bodies sucked into the vacuum of space, and knew, in her heart, that it was her parents.   As she made her way back to the hanger in rage and grief, Bucky laid out all that he had gathered on the plans of the Board to overthrow the McMullens. Bucky said that he attempted to prevent the assassination, but he did not anticipate the Invid's attack at the time of the attempt. He did not process that the Board would move during such a critical time.   When she exited her power armor, Katerina was there. They embraced and cried for a moment. Katerina had been given the same information and they both knew what to do. Amaratsu arrived in minutes and, without a question or word, followed the two sisters to the Board of Director's room. Josephina went through the front door, while Katerina used her talents to slip through the ceiling of the office next to the seat of the Director. Shocked at their arrival, the Director attempted to rise and was forced back into his seat by Kat, who he had not seen. "You killed our parents, Director DeCobray. Members of the Board, I am here to remind you that mutiny is a hanging offense. Unfortunately, I don't have any rope." Before he could protest, offer excuses or even monologue like the super-villain he thought he was, Josephina shot him. There was no banter, no barter, and no quarter. She looked at the Board and state "I am the eldest daughter of James McMullen. I am head of the McMullen clan. You b****es now work FOR ME! Fel, you're Director. Don't make me retire you as I did with DeCobray." She then turned and walked out.   Ever since that day, she has led the Iron Grenadiers with a firm, but fair, hand. The Grenadiers have not needed to be "brought inline". They have had nothing but success during her leadership. She has had trials and, as always, come out on top, if not unscarred. All through it, her sister Katerina, the AI Bucky, and Amaratsu have been at her side. It was through her leadership that the Invid were finally pushed off of Seeron. She even faced the lead Invid Scientist in battle, when she was cutoff in the final push. Though she nearly died, she prevailed. The near death experience was sobering, but it also steeled her resolve even more.   When it came time to begin the campaign referred to as "The Cleanup Tour", it was through her continuing leadership and skills that they have had success after success.   Now she has a set of mysteries before her. What is this Ring they are on? Why do the sentient animals look so much like those from home? Why did Bucky (and she is sure it was Bucky, and not an accident) bring them here? Her curiosity is sparked and she had the force to gather as much intel as possible. They've been unsuccessful in getting home, and if there is no chance to get home, this could make a new home, easily.


Jamie Katerina McCullen

Sister (Important)

Towards Josephina Catherine McCullen



Josephina Catherine McCullen

Sister (Important)

Towards Jamie Katerina McCullen



Legal Status


Victor Ratloff

Major General (Important)

Towards Josephina Catherine McCullen



Josephina Catherine McCullen

Commanding General (Important)

Towards Victor Ratloff




Loyal to the McMullens, and the McMullen Clan.  Chaffed slightly at having Jospehina take the reins, he has come to respect her leadership.

Relationship Reasoning

General and Major General

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both are master tacticians

Current Location
The P.F.S. Steven Rogers

Speech given at the time of Josephina Catherine McCullen's assumption of her duties as head of the McMullen family

October 12, 2035, from the Command Deck of the P.F.S. Steven Rogers

"Our Father and Mother are dead. I will say it again. OUR Father and Mother are dead. They have been claimed by the Invid, traitors, and the coldness of the void. This cannot be denied. I have ordered that their remains be found and returned to the "Steven Rogers" so that proper traditions can be performed by each of you.   "Yes, they are dead, but my sister and I are quite alive. Despite the actions of cowards, we both are still here! Katerina and I have reminded those responsible that mutiny is a hangable offense. The Head of the Board of Directors of MY company has stepped down and been retired. Oh, you all heard that right, MY company. My Company, My Ship, and you are MY army.   "I'm going to nip one grumbling out there before I go further. 'Oh, she's too young...'. Well, F*** you!   "Allow me to elaborate. Yes, M.A.R.S. signs your paychecks, but who owns M.A.R.S.? The McMullen Clan. The Board forgot that, and they are paying the price for that. To whom do the Ashikage Clan owe their debt? The McMullen Clan. Most importantly, who has been, is currently, and will always be the arm and army of the McCullen Clan? The Iron Grenadiers. The Iron Grenadiers have not just fought for but fought with the McMullens since the years of idiot kings and fools fighting for crowns. Beginning on the fields of Scotland to the shores of the New World to the frozen lands of Antarctica and, now, even the stars. My Father and Mother have been there, with every single one of us. I have flown and still fly with the best damn pilots in the galaxy! My sister... well, you all know my sister. We are Iron Grenadiers, and we were born Iron Grenadiers. It is who we are. Every single one of us, from the  janitor to the best of the Kavaliyra, mechanic, power armor pilot, and command officer, have iron in our veins. So, with that out of the way, it's time to make this official.   I am Josephina Catherine McMullen, head of Clan McMullen, President of M.A.R.S., the one you all call "The Baroness", and General of the Iron Grenadiers. Long may Iron flow! Now! Get back to work! We've got shellbacks to break!"

Class: 8th level (NGR) Intelligence Division Agent 

Special Abilities: 
  • Technological Expert
  • Intelligence Commissioned Officer
  • Invid Expert
  • Marksmanship: Pistol
Skills of Note:
  • Power Armor and Robot ELITE Combat: SAMAS Power Armor


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