Treaty of Liremund and Skiasau, dated --- Document in The Realms | World Anvil

Treaty of Liremund and Skiasau, dated ---


The Treaty of Liremund and Skiasau marks the end of the first major conflict between the two Realms. Signed by the Queen of Skiasau and the High Ruler of Liremund, it was meant to end the decades long conflict between the two Realms.

Historical Details


The War between Liremund and Skiasau had been going on for approximately 57 years at the signing of the Treaty. While Mers lived for longer then Lizans, their desire for battle was a fickle as the sea's temper, while the Lizans had long memories and could hold a deep anger for a very long time. When the first peace talks were purposed, both sides only held out for a few months before the Treaty started to be drafted.


The Treaty put an end to the War, allowing both sides to settle and begin to interact with other without overt hostility.

Public Reaction

The common folk of both Realms were of two minds. On one side, a treaty was considered a surrender, but both sides came away from the signing unhappy, on the other, the war that had plagued the land for generations was ended, meaning that no more of their children would die in a fight that the start of had long been forgotten.


The first inter-Realm treaty, staying unbroken for centuries, meant that other inter-Realm treaties and trade agreements were all but considered unbreakable. Renegotiating them was not considered breaking them, as the Treaty has been renegotiated several dozen times.


The peace created by this document officially lasted until the Convergence. Unoffically, however, the two Realms have had small skirmishes and attacks against one another from the moment it was signed. The only reason it wasn't considered broken is because the attacks were blamed upon dissidents and those who wished to plunge the two Realms back into war. It is unclear if the early attacks were entirely their fault.


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