Valia Velassir Character in The Realms of Sorus | World Anvil

Valia Velassir

Valia Velassir was imprisoned by her brother, Serril Velassir, for over 20 years in order to force her to fulfill her duty as a female Keeper of Lineage. At some point, she managed to escape from captivity, but in the process, she accidentally killed the 5th Bhaalspawn. This set off a series of events that led to her son, Vaan TalVo-Velassir , being cursed with the Mark of Bhaal, along with four other individuals, including Valia herself. Valia still wears a broken collar around her neck as a reminder of her sin, which led to her brother's suicide and the curse on her and her son.

Despite everything she went through, Valia is quite cheerful and positive. She is a very typical mom, worrying overly about her adventurer son, making sure he eats enough, sleeps enough, isn't in too much danger, and that he finds a nice girlfriend. She has been able to move on from the difficult events of her past and is able to focus on the well-being of her family, despite being cursed with the Mark of Bhaal.
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