Quarvalsharess Settlement in The Realms of Sorus | World Anvil



Quarvalsharess, located in the Middledark, is a Drow city built in a massive limestone cavern, comprising of a strict hierarchy of noble houses, with House El'Ecthil currently in power. The majority of the population are drow slaves who work in the fungus farms and perform other menial tasks. The city is ruled by drow priestesses and matron mothers, who wield the most power.  


Quarvalsharess has a long and tumultuous history. According to legend, it was founded by the goddess Lolth herself as a refuge for the drow people, who had been cast out of the surface world. Over the centuries, the city has been the site of countless battles and betrayals as the various noble houses vied for power and influence.   The most recent power struggle saw House El'Ecthil emerge victorious, having assassinated several key members of their rivals, House Hrost. With their enemies vanquished, House El'Ecthil now rules Quarvalsharess with an iron fist, enforcing their will through a combination of brutal force and shrewd political maneuvering. Despite the turmoil that has rocked the city over the years, Quarvalsharess remains a formidable stronghold, feared and respected by all who dwell in the Underdark.  

The Land

The city of Quarvalsharess is built amidst a massive limestone cavern. The cavern is roughly 2 miles tall, 2 miles wide and more than 6 miles wide. A shallow lake known as the Lake of Blood lies in the South of the cavern, fed by a freshwater river that traverses the center of the city from the North. The erosion caused by the deep river has created plateaus upon which slave drow dwell. Many slaves also often live in caves that are located in close proximity to the shores of the lake.   Sharess is overlooked by two plateaus, each over a mile high and each dominated by powerful members of drow society. The North plateau is also known as the Noble Estates, which is populated with numerous fortress-like citadels. This area is the home of the powerful noble drow houses of Quarvalsharess. The North-East plateau is home to the Faer Hall, home to the Archmage and his apprentices. Access to either of the plateaus is only achievable via a mechanical lift operated by slaves. If a lift operator allowed a non-noble into a plateau, they would be tortured by a noble and then sacrificed at the Lake of Blood.  

The People

The people of Quarvalsharess are primarily made up of drow, who are known for their dark, twisted ways. The city operates under a strict hierarchy of noble houses, where those in power exert their control over the lower classes. The majority of the population are drow slaves, who work in various capacities throughout the city. These slaves are treated brutally by their masters, and the threat of punishment and death is a constant presence in their lives.  


In Quarvalsharess, the most powerful figures are the drow priestesses and matron mothers who serve the Spider Queen, Lolth. They hold significant influence over the city's affairs, often using their magic and political connections to further their own interests.   The noble houses also play a crucial role in the city's power structure, with House El'Ecthil currently holding the most power after successfully murdering every member of House Hrost. House El'Ecthil rules the city of Quarvalsharess with an iron grip since they have gained power. They maintain control through the use of fear and force. House El'Ecthil is known for its harsh punishments, and even minor offenses can result in severe consequences. They have increased the number of slaves, and their exploitation has become more brutal under their rule. Many previously noble houses have been turned to slavery as House El'Ecthil furthers their influence.   House Do'Urden is also very influential, as they hold the biggest military and have control over a massive armory. Much of Do'Urden's weapons come from trade deals with the duergar of Kheraak in exchange for drow slaves. Much of House El'Ecthil's success can be attributed to the "alliance" between these two houses. However, as is normal for drow society, Houses El'Ecthil and Do'Urden wait for the opportune moment to eliminate each other.    


The culture of Quarvalsharess is shaped by the worship of Lolth, the Spider Queen. The city is known for its dark rituals and sacrifices, with many drow seeking to gain power and favor from the goddess. Slavery is also deeply ingrained in the city's culture, with many drow viewing it as a necessary part of their society. The drow of Quarvalsharess are skilled in the arts of manipulation, deception, and combat, with many seeking to gain power and status through covert assassination.  


Religion plays a significant role in the daily lives of the drow of Quarvalsharess, and their primary deity is Lolth, the Spider Queen. The Courtyard of Lolth, located at the center of the city, houses the temple of Lolth. The temple is an imposing structure shaped like an enormous spider, with a single archway that allows access beneath its stony fangs. Magical orbs of light at the entrance create an invisibility purge effect, an essential security measure for the temple of Lolth. The temple's interior is a sprawling complex of chambers, tunnels, and shrines, all dedicated to the worship of the drow's dark goddess.   Priests and priestesses of Lolth are among the most powerful and influential members of Quarvalsharess society. They oversee the city's rituals, sacrifices, and religious ceremonies. They also wield considerable political power and often serve as advisors to the city's noble houses. The devout of Lolth believe that she rewards her faithful followers with power and wealth, while those who displease her are punished with pain and Suffering. As such, the drow of Quarvalsharess are fiercely loyal to their dark goddess, and many of them are willing to do whatever it takes to win her favor.  

Sharess Castle

Sharess Castle is an impressive structure that stands on a 100 ft high plateau, representing the pinnacle of drow architecture. It is the center of power for Quarvalsharess and the seat of the current ruling house, House El'Ecthil. The castle is 250ft tall and spans seven floors, also featuring elegant curves and battlements.   Comprising of three distinct structures, Sharess Castle is made up of the Great Tower, the Lesser Tower, and the South Column. The Great Tower is the tallest and most magnificent structure of the castle, serving as the residence of the ruling House and housing the throne room and audience chamber. The Lesser Tower is a secondary tower, with a lower height than the Great Tower, and is used for private chambers and guest rooms. The South Column is the smallest of the three structures and is used mainly for the sinister purposes of House El'Ecthil. Together, these structures make up the heart of Quarvalsharess and symbolize the power and grandeur of the drow race.  


The drow of Sharess built a Coliseum to entertain themselves with battles between exotic beasts, prisoners, and slaves. The building was considered by the drow to be the crowning achievement of culture. The building itself is oval, with an outer wall over 60ft high that is topped by battlements. Inside, flickering continual flame torches light the public gallery and grand staircases lead off to armories, slave pens and holding pens for great beasts. Over the centuries, thousands of prisoners, exotic beasts and slaves died here as entertainment for the drow.  

Fungus Farms

The fungus farms in Quarvalsharess are a crucial part of the city's infrastructure, providing sustenance for its inhabitants. The farms are located on the outskirts of the city and consist of large fields of waist-high fungus. The drow slaves are responsible for working the farms, tending to the mushrooms and ensuring that they grow properly.   The fungus farms are divided into different sections, each dedicated to a specific type of mushroom. The farms are meticulously maintained, with the slaves being overseen by drow taskmasters who ensure that the work is carried out efficiently. The mushrooms themselves are an important source of food for the drow, and are also used in the production of various medicines and potions.   Despite their importance, the fungus farms are often seen as a lowly and undesirable occupation by the drow. Those who work the farms are looked down upon by their higher-ranking kin, and are subjected to cruel treatment by their overseers.

Lake of Blood

Situated in the southern part of the city, this large murky lake earned its name during the Elvish Civil War. The red-tinged color of the water and acrid smell is attributed to the incredible quantity of surface Elf corpses that were thrown into the lake. While the streams that feed the lake are clean and pure, it is drow tradition to routinely sacrifice mass quantities of creatures to the Lake of Blood as one of many rites of Lolth.


  • Quarvalsharess
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