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Ðupyaf is Wise in several specific areas of knowledge. These areas of knowledge give him benefits while adventuring, and also come with cultural benefits.
Needs a Little Salt-Wise

Salt is very valuable in The Realm. It is used by priests in purification rituals, and can be used to season and preserve food. The salt used in the Delta is a coarse sea salt that is typically stored in sealed, clay jars.

The main producer of salt in the Realm is the coastal town of Laamum. Salt is exported via the Diira River to Magehold, where it is bought from traders around the Realm.

Practical Benefits of Salt-wise

Spend Fate"Of course! It just needed some salt!"
Aid friends"Hey man, you need a little more salt"
+1D to Beginner's Luck"Wait, I know this one"

Cultural Benefits of Salt-Wise

These benefits will remain even if you lose the Wise - just be sure to write the lost wise down on your character sheet somewhere.

Ability to test Circles among cooks and butchersCooks gossip a lot
Ability to find Odd Jobs related cooking"We'll overlook the gaps in your resume"

The most commonly used vegetables in the Delta are root vegetables grown in gardens, both on homesteads and in kitchen gardens. Homesteads do not typically grow vegetables as their principle crop, but rather as a supplement to their Oat Corn crop.

Root vegetable are rarely eaten on their own due to the bland taste, although in a pinch a hungry homesteader may roast some veggies at the hearth. Instead, vegetables are used to add texture and nutrients to pottage, which is an oat corn stew containing various meats and vegetables.

Vegetables are typically preserved through pickling. Pickles are stored in small clay jars sealed with wax and are one of the more common forms of preserved food in the Realm.

The public perception of vegetables is that they are healthy for the body and ward off bad luck, but are not much fun to eat.

Practical Benefits of Vegetable-Wise

Spend Fate"Ah ha! I knew it was a vegetable!"
Aid friends"Well actually it's a vegetable..."
+1D to Beginner's Luck"They're actually not bad if you cook them right"

Cultural Benefits of Vegetable-Wise

These benefits will remain even if you lose the Wise - just be sure to write the lost wise down on your character sheet somewhere.

Ability to test Circles among farmers and gardenersEveryone appreciates the person with spare vegetables
Ability to find Odd Jobs related to HomesteadingIt's good to know your way around a garden

The town of Nifveð lies on the Diira River, and receives travellers and smaller trade ships passing between Magehold and the coast.

The town is famous for its large and busy market, situated near the docks. The market sells strange items from all over the known world. Residents of Nifveð will also claim that it is famous for its oat corn pastries, although most outside of Nifveð don't seem to have heard of them.

Cultural Benefits of Nifveð-Wise

These benefits will remain even if you lose the Wise - just be sure to write the lost wise down on your character sheet somewhere.

Fluent in the Delta DialectYou have little accent. Where are you from?
Ability to test Circles among Nifveð nativesYour face looks familiar...

The abandoned eleventh son, Ðupyaf is handsome, kind, and strong. Easy going to a fault, he is only concerned with cooking and avoiding his ex.

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