White Falcon Character in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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White Falcon

UNTIL Project Bahamut Agent Matthew Richard Falces (a.k.a. White Falcon)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Considered lean and only kept fit by rigorous exercise forced upon him by his job, Matthew tries to minimize his own exertion in the field, preferring to make efficient use of external sources of energy he can convert to suit his needs.

Body Features

No remarkable features.

Identifying Characteristics

Though quite common for agents within the League of Bro, Matthew has dim glowing blue eyes and black hair with a single color highlight, though those that know the origin of the Konvoy family also know that he is part of the reason it is so prevalent. If anything, he stands out for his pale skin by comparison.

Special abilities

Enhanced Hearing   Energy Conversion   Energy Manipulation

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born with the capability to convert energy, Matthew started showing signs of his abilities before he could even talk. His parents would find his toys scattered in high places, with freshly installed batteries drained of charge. Though relatively tame, these abilities would come to save Garret's and his own life on the day Dr. Destroyer would attack the city of Detroit. Managing to syphon the kinetic energy of a falling building to prevent the two of them from getting crushed, this event would mark the start of Matthew's career as a Superhero.   When Garret's family was unable to be found after the battle, he was adopted into the Falces family, though retained his surname in the case his parents would turn up. Matthew and Garret would grow up together, go to school together and even live together during college. While Garret lacked any extraordinary talents, he was more than willing to assist Matthew in his crime-fighting endeavors.   As Matthew adopted the alias of White Falcon, using a costume he fashioned using his bedsheets, he would eventually find himself with a sponsor: ATAC. Provided equipment more suitable for a hero of his caliber, White Falcon would become the company's mascot and quickly acquire his own clothing line to capitalize on the fandom. Matthew's contacts within the company allowed Garret to seize an internship opportunity with ATAC, which would allow him, for the first time ever, to be on a level playing field with his brother.   Equipped with a suit of experimental power armor, Garret had the power, but none of the experience of crime-fighting. Though he would learn along the way, the often destructive nature of his equipment would cause a fair few mishaps that would cause his morals to grow in a different direction than that of his brother. When Mac Konvoy disappeared and Jack Mac Konvoy took his place, Matthew had been recruited into UNTIL as part of a new superteam that would operate internationally.   Project Bahamut would lead to Matthew losing touch with his former friends and family as he would travel the world and help maintain peace through conflict de-escalation and intervention. Though often absent, it is said that Matthew is still registered as living in The Nexus as his primary residence.

Gender Identity



Physics Major - Millennium City University


Freelance Superhero Sponsored Superhero Global Commissioned Superhero

Accomplishments & Achievements

Saved the lives of hundreds over the years of his career.

Personality Characteristics


Matthew lives by the creed: "In order to change the world for the better, one must always set the right example, no matter how grim the circumstances." He strives to uphold his moral code at all times and never falter, even when it tempts him the most. Though not always successful, he has friends to help him back up on his feet.


Though attempting to keep clean, the long periods of time spent in a tight suit and wearing helmets negates any attempts at grooming oneself. He's resorted to perfume to mask the smell of exertion.


Family Ties

Adoptive brother to Garret Hawkes   Married to Taliah Rochelle Elise Falces

Religious Views

Matthew has faced a fair few supernatural events that brought him closer to the realm of fantasy, causing him to conclude that there's a shred of truth to all beliefs, and that their belief causes it to be true. Though interested in the realms beyond his own, his work lies on Earth, where it is far from finished.
Virtuous Sentinel
Current Location
Year of Birth
Detroit, Michigan, United States of America, Earth
Current Residence
On tour
Dim blue glow
Short black hair with blue highlights, permanent case of hoodhair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
American English   French-ish


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