The Nexus Building / Landmark in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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The Nexus

Purpose / Function

Originally meant to house Mac Konvoy for quicker commutes to his work, the apartment was quickly experimented on by Jacky Mac Konvoy after the property was acquired by the League of Bro as their first headquarters.

The apartment, now the Nexus, acts as an ever expanding hub of dimensional gateways to various rooms, outposts or worlds that fall within the League of Bro's reach.
The Nexus is maintained exclusively by Jacky Mac Konvoy and JAC-203, a butler-type robotic. Beyond gateways, the Nexus also acts as a dormitory for League agents, each having a personal room to decorate as they see fit.


Entered via the elevator, which leads to the remainder of the 'Bank Building'.
Access can also be gained via the balcony, if one possesses authentication.
Extradimensional visits will be required to access the Nexus through their nearest dimensional gateway provided by the League of Bro.

Sensory & Appearance

Fitting to the exterior of the building, most of the decorations are some form of green hue. The rooms are well-lit with artificial lighting and kept clean at all times of the day. Sound can often be heard coming from the living room, as the television set rarely turns off.


Jacky Mac Konvoy
Garret Hawkes
Cynthia Amora Hawkes

Contents & Furnishings

Open Kitchen
Lounge Area with Media Set


Money-Packed Parachutes

Hazards & Traps


Special Properties

Great view of the eastern city.


The Nexus has been heavily modified by melding a dimensional gateway in the living room to a pocket dimension. This allows instant traversal to an ever expanding hallway which contains the lion's share of dimensional gateways the League of Bro has at its disposal.
This melded hallway artificially extends the structure's interior, resulting in a 'bigger-on-the-inside' appearance.
To facilitate a new layer of gateways, an elevated walkway has been attached to the hallway's walls, creating an artificial second floor. Stairs, located near the end of the living room, allow visitors to move up and down the floors.
Alternative Names
Konvoy Residence, Renaissance Center, Millennium City, Michigan, United States of America, Earth
Environmental Effects
Roomtemperature, low humidity, Earth atmosphere
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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