Runelinking Technology / Science in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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Simply requiring a aetherically conductive lining to link the runes together, the method of linking determines the timing of the individual runes being activated.
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Though now a forgotten technique, owing to the degradation of knowledge since the Old World, some aspiring Runesmiths eventually stumble upon this application as they begin to study the anatomy of living creatures. Seeking to emulate these biological processes, Runesmiths combine a series of runes, either sequentially or simultaneously to create the desired outcome.
Though a relatively simple application, a deft hand at runesmithing is required to create an efficiently functioning system without aether leakage.
Owing to the increased complexity of society's demands at the time, runelinking was devised long before even the Old World was established. Intended as a more efficient way to re-use techniques of old and save on devising new runes for specific applications, runelinking became the primary process through which 'systems' were designed. Systems would become the standard for most enchanting applications.


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