Eteras Minor Geographic Location in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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Eteras Minor


The dense aetheric composition of the atmosphere paired with the lowered gravity of the have created a landscape that switches between extremes within short distances.  
[Director's Note]: The atmosphere can be highly toxic to those not accustomed to highly compressed aether entering their bodies. Agents seeking to explore the surface should apply for a compatibility test prior to commencing operations.

Fauna & Flora

Based on examinations of Eteras Medius, it seems unlikely that the varied wildlife and its adaptation to aether was a natural development. Experimentation by early settlers may have laid the foundations for various species capable of making use of the atmospheric aether to spread out over the world.

Natural Resources

Inhabitants of the planet appear to make full use of the overabundance of aether in nearly every aspect of their lives, from construction to nourishment.
Alternative Name(s)
The Little One
Planetoid / Moon
Related Ethnicities


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