Eteras Medius Geographic Location in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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Eteras Medius


The reduced gravity of Eteras Medius in comparison to Eteras Major has resulted in wildly varying elevations in the terrain, creating spires and crags that tower over the surface.

Fauna & Flora

With the exception of aether-infused specimen, most of the lifeforms on the planet can (surprisingly) be described as 'earthlike'. Based on the uncovered information, there has likely not been enough time for the creatures to have developed adequate adaptations to make full use of the environmental aether.

Natural Resources

Aetheric quantities for the planet are on a level equivalent to that of measurements taken within the explored regions of Tyria. Based on orbital scans, the aether is evenly distributed across the planet, however the lack of aetheric flow save for diffusion remains an oddity.


  • Kochi
  • Eteras Medius

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