Madam Marovius Character in The Reality Grid | World Anvil
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Madam Marovius

A mysterious woman who many know very little about.

Madam M(?) Marovius

Someone could get really mad if this were found by someone in the upper ranks but I'm going to leave a few notes that we Crusaders have noticed about our head honcho, Madam Marovius. Some newcomers have a bit of difficulty understanding the ropes, and I figured this was important. So I put an article up in our databanks. Hopefully this will help catch new recruits up to speed.   I have found your little project. While I admire the intention, I will be watching to see if any rumors come up which I don't appreciate being discussed behind my back. - MM

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

All of her medical checks, which are done in a thorough, but non-invasive fashion, have shown her to be healthy from what records I could scrounge.

Apparel & Accessories

She seems to have an attachment to purple with green and gold highlights. Maybe the occasional earring of another color but that's about it. It's odd just how often she manages to keep herself looking proper.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

All that is known among the general ranks of Crusaders is that Marovius founded the Timeline Crusaders within her latter lifetime. Currently, M coordinates efforts and aids in teaching newcomers about dimensional travel. Rumors have stated she had help from Redacted and Redacted.   While I did have help, such associates are not ones I wish to be publicly disclosed. Thankfully, the calling cards you used are protected from searching within the system itself. I won't have to chastise anyone. Anyone except you. That, "chance encounter", will be pushed up because of this. - MM

Gender Identity

As far as anyone can tell, she is a human female. But, as I've written before, no one knows what her ideal dimension of love would be.   And I would rather it remain undiscussed. - MM


No one on base has ever heard her discuss relationships. Either she has one already and is trying to protect them, she has no interest, or it's simply her unwillingness to disclose information. In any case, those who do hit on her often find themselves looking quite foolish physically, and feel quite foolish socially once she is through with them.   I do not think it is polite to be specific with such private matters in a public setting. Your vagueness has saved you from needing to meet me today. Perhaps a lesson learned secondhand? - MM


Shows vast knowledge of the multiverse on both a scientific and magical level. However, she more readily explains things using scientific explanations rather than magical. Often, she needs a reminder to translate for anyone from a magical background. Odd that she has this affinity.


As of the present, she is the major force behind the Timeline Crusaders coordinated efforts. While she seems to not receive much, if any, of the funds they create, she obviously has enough to facilitate a wealthy lifestyle.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She is the one who founded our glorious Timeline Crusaders. As a result, she has had an immense portion in saving reailties countless times. In addition, she has successfully managed to keep a significant portion of her existence from being disclosed. Needless to say, innumerable attempts have been made in order to discern even the smallest portions of information. Often in good faith by her cohorts. And in hopes of destroying a valuable aspect of the Crusaders from her enemies.

Failures & Embarrassments

To her, every portion of existence lost seems to be a terrible loss. She doesn't seem to let this get behind her, as far as it has been seen. This could be part of a facade, though. She seems to have an immense amount of control over her emotions.

Mental Trauma

Some suspect that she wishes not to disclose her past in order to avoid something which happened to her. This, however, is unconfirmed.   And I would hope it remains that way. - MM   Another note: One theory is that the loss of existence is trauma in and of itself. Redacted   My apologies, but I don't think that your other theory should be discussed in such a public way. If you were one of the few to have seen this, know that if I find you continuing this theory, you will be due for serious chastisement. - MM

Intellectual Characteristics

No one knows just how she did it, but she has an extensive set of knowledge and seems to somehow dabble in everything. In addition, she understands information very readily and seems to have grown a talent for quick learning. Some rumor implants or magical enchantments for learning, but any scans for such always come back negative.

Morality & Philosophy

If you're reading this, it's impossible for you to not know that she believes all existence is valuable. It's the entire reason for the Crusaders formation in the first place. Something you might not know is that she does think that causing harm is unacceptable. However, she does acknowledge that sometimes working with, 'unsavory', individuals is necessary in order to facilitate a greater good. She also seems to find that a reality coming to a close due to cosmic events, such as heat death, is not an existence worth trying to save. Another note: Many crew members have seen a difficulty on her part in recognizing the difference between the scales of existence. If she were faced with the gelatinous cube trap problem, do you leave a pit trap lever if pulling it will mean the cube falls and kills one rather than goes forward and kills a group, it's not known whether she could pull herself together quickly enough to react. Or even if she would.   Life and existence will always mean everything to me. No matter how, "small", it be. - MM


She seems hesitant around incorporeal undead specifically. Everyone on base agrees this is likely from The Ghost King.


Contacts & Relations

With how much she works in the Crusaders, she might as well be family to everyone here. Even if most don't meet her personally.

Family Ties

Unknown. If she does have a physical family, it's her best kept secret.   And I'd appreciate we keep it that way. For my safety and the potential safety of any of theirs. - MM

Religious Views

From what everyone can discern, she's completely secular from a practice standpoint. However, she does acknowledge that powerful entities, like gods and deities, exist. She has even worked alongside them, some say.

Social Aptitude

I've heard it best described as, "She's very extroverted without giving any details of herself". While I don't interact with her regularly, I can confirm from my chance meetings that this is very accurate.   I feel it is best that I inform you that I am aware you write these articles. Expect our next encounter to not be by such chance. - MM


She always seems to be as polite as she can be until she reaches some sort of breaking point. When she breaks depends on what's going on. But once she does- Well, you know what they say about a woman's scorn.

Hobbies & Pets

As part of her secrecy, any hobbies are unconfirmed. Some people around base swear she Redacted.   I must admit, this is more me being embarrased than anything serious. - MM


One weird thing. No one has ever caught her miss a formal greeting.


The Ghost King


Towards Madam Marovius


Madam Marovius


Towards The Ghost King


Wealth & Financial state

Her wealth is supposedly related to the Crusaders. However, no one has found any funds being taken for her own use, and yet she still seems to maintain a wealthy-seeming lifestyle. Going so far as to set up a personal pocket dimension so as to have a residence. It is unknown how exactly she accesses it. She never seems to use any effort to do so.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
She is often referred to as Madam as her main title. It seems to be self-given but is treated as if it means she is the leader to us Crusaders. If she has gained official honorifics, she refuses to acknowledge it. With her secrecy, all that is known of her first name is that it starts with M. Her last name appears to be Marovious. Although this is rumored to be an alias to preserve something. Possibly to prevent intentional timeline interruptions from outside the Crusaders. Middle name unknown. At least from what rumors I could hear. She is also known as, "Marovious", "The Madam", "M.M.", or simply, "M". Some also call her by more official honorifics, but they don't stick outside of tight circles.   Do tell, what kinds of things do they call me? - MM
Undisclosed and unsolved.
Date of Birth
Undisclosed but she does get a cake in the cafeteria whenever a dimensional rotation finishes.
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
Still Alive
Unknown and not figured out.
Current Residence
A private (presumed to be pocket) dimension which holds her personal attire and other such items.
Her hair is a dark brown, with some gold and green jewelry. More jewelry often adorns it when she puts it up.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A light tan is seen on her person outside of her formal robes. She seems oddly attached to purple.
~133 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Existence and Destruction are naturally in a cycle. It's a good thing life tends to defy nature after a certain point."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
No one who allies themselves with the Crusaders has managed to find a language she can't speak. Some crew members have discussed seeing her talk to non-humanoid entities as though it were normal. Whatever her past was, she now has found the time to seemingly learn every language she's encountered before she could meet it.

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