The promised land The History of the Promised Land Timeline

The History of the Promised Land

A story of gods and mortals and how both used each other for their own gain.

The Common Era of Colonization

2500 1000

The era after colonists from far off lands began settling in the Promised Land.

  • -2499 CE

    The Colonization of the Promised Land
    Discovery, Exploration

    The first colonists from foreign lands began settling in the Promised Land. These colonists ranged from Devil Cultists whose masters wanted access to the planar portals to Paladins whose sole goal was to deny the Devils theirs.

  • -2000 CE

    -1454 CE

    The Kingdom of Chimeria
    Political event

    The evil kingdom of Chimeria, when it was founded and when it eventually fell.

    More reading
  • 0 CE

    The Well of Mystara
    Religious event

    The Goddess Mystara created a well of magic where the weave comes together to boost the power of all magic.

  • 1 CE

    Creation of the Avatars
    Religious event

    Worshipers found a way to affect the weave to create Avatars for their gods to inhabit on the Prime Material.

  • 20 CE

    The Men of Iron
    Scientific achievement

    The gods Gond and Moradin collaborated to create the perfect soldiers to combat the menace of the ruinous powers. Thus, the Men of Iron were born.

    More reading
    Mead Hall of Kord
  • 125 CE

    The Godforged are born.
    Technological achievement

    After the Men of Iron created by Gond and Moradin rebelled, the armies of the ruinous powers began to make headway in the war. This was when the gods Helm and Mystara stepped in and created the Godforged, mortals reborn in the light of the heavens to fight the encroaching horde of demons and undead.

  • 999 CE

    6 /6

    The Death of Torm
    Religious event

    The Lawful Good god of war and self sacrifice, Torm, was killed when his avatar received a mortal blow from the avatar of Vecna. Normally the damage done to a god's avatar would be meaningless to them, but somehow Vecna and his followers had found a way for the damage done by his avatar to harm other gods from damage to their avatars. "If you die in the dream you die in real life."

  • 999 CE

    7 /7

    The Wrath of the Gods
    Religious event

    After the world learned of Vecna's god killer, the full multilateral wrath of the gods came down on the Vecnans like a ton of bricks. The aftermath of this was the Glasslands, a field of trinitite glass (the aftermath of the Trinity Nuclear test in the real world).

  • 1000 CE

    7 /7

    The Moot of the Gods
    Religious event

    After the death of Torm and the eradication of Vecna's god killer, the gods held a vote on whether or not to erase the method of avatar creation from the annals of history. The dissenters were Oghma, whose goal is the preservation of knowledge, and Primus and his Inevitables, who resist attempts to alter reality. After the vote, Mystara used her magic to wipe the method of avatar creation from both mortal memories and divine records.

Post Alteration

1000 and beyond

The time after the death of Torm, in which the gods withdraw their avatars from the Promised Land and erase the method of avatar creation from the annals of history.

  • 1000 PA

    7 /7

    The Moot of the Gods
    Religious event

    After the death of Torm and the eradication of Vecna's god killer, the gods held a vote on whether or not to erase the method of avatar creation from the annals of history. The dissenters were Oghma, whose goal is the preservation of knowledge, and Primus and his Inevitables, who resist attempts to alter reality. After the vote, Mystara used her magic to wipe the method of avatar creation from both mortal memories and divine records.

  • 1012 PA

    7 /6

    The Appearance of the Nemesis Moon

    The Nemesis Moon, the world's second moon, appeared in the night sky. No one knows why, all they know is that Nemesis at its apex heralds doom.

  • 1195 PA

    The War in the West a.k.a. The Baham-Selunite War
    Political event

    A war between the Kingdoms of Lexetordo and Fryhed.

  • 1215 PA

    15 /6

    The Kingdom of Satus is Founded

    More reading
    The Kingdom Satus
  • 1336 PA

    Operation Chryptic Thorn

    Campaign start.