The Kingdom Satus Organization in The Promised Land | World Anvil

The Kingdom Satus

Major Settlements of Satus

  • Port of Promise: Port of Promise">(Capital)
  • Londworin: Produces and export Mithril. Seeks to invervene in the war between Lexetordo and Fryhed. Have to deal with incursions from Drow and Orcs. Ruled by a Council of 5. They are descended from the five heroes chosen by the avatar of Corellon to fight alongside him at the "Battle of ____".
  • Hollow Mountain: Produce and export Adamantine. Requires an import of fuel for the city's forges. More outside fuel has been needed since the Dwarves' coal/promethium mine was cut off by the Duergar. The settlement and its vassals are ruled by King _____ whose ancestor, Saint _____, was told by the avatar of Moradin that all the light of the 'Solljüs' touches would be his clan's kingdom.
  • Helsingør: Exports books and is the home of the largest newspaper in Satus.
  • Highhill: The breadbasket of Satus.
  • Structure

    The Monarch and the Parliament share power. The Parliament creates legislation and the King or Queen enforces them. Bellow the Monarch is the Royal Chief of Staff and bellow them are the Royal Treasurer, Mage, Pontiff, and several other key advisors to the Monarch. The head of Parliament is the Speaker of the House who presides over a parliament of about 200 representative Lords. Any member of Parliament can draft legislation, but the Speaker controls what comes up for a vote.


    Mithril from Londorwin, Adamantine from Hollow Mountain,


    Satus was founded in _____ by the elven Council of 5 of Londorwin and the human King of


    The worship of most benign or benevolent deities is tolerated in Satus. There are significant demographics of elves, dwarves, halflings, gnomes, all of whom have their own pantheons.

    The journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.


    • The Promised Land
      Map of the Promised Land as it exits now.
    Geopolitical, Kingdom
    Alternative Names
    The Gateway to the Promised Land, Colonist's Landing
    Government System
    Monarchy, Constitutional
    Legislative Body
    The House of Lords in the body of Parliament is a body of about 200 Lords from across the kingdom.
    Controlled Territories
    Neighboring Nations


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