Port of Promise Settlement in The Promised Land | World Anvil

Port of Promise

The capital of the Kingdom of Satus, a hub of trade from the old country, the seat of Parliament and the Monarchy, and home to many guilds of trade and crafting (as well as a few, less savory guilds).

City Wards


Popular Establishments

  • The Green Dragon (Comfortable, South Ward)
  • The Oiled Librarian (Wealthy, Merchant Ward)
  • The Unnameable (Poor, Dock Ward)
An in full of retired sailors who'll only trade stories with each other, and very, very rarely with outsiders. The primary, and only, available item served is "Blank Label" Whiskey.    
  • Drake Wing Inn (Poor, Under Ward)
  • Thyrmmbones Inn (Modest, North Ward)
  • The Emerald House (Aristocratic, Council Ward)
  • The Sturdy Pixie (Wealthy, Entertainment Ward)

Dock Ward

The oldest district in Port of Promise. This is where all incoming and outgoing ships load and offload cargo and make repairs.    

Warehouse Ward

Block upon block of warehouses holding goods from across the Promised Land and beyond.

Things To Do

  • Get a quick and easy job as a watchman, guarding warehouses.

South Ward

Primarily consists of homes of lords and ladies of parliament.    

Merchant Ward


Popular Shops
  • The Spider's Web (Magic Item Shop), Proprietor: Filfaere Elpragh (Drow/ Dridder), cheerful with high cheekbones and hair tide in a long ponytail. The shop is a large circular interior with a large column of shelves in the center. Objects are kept under glass with bronze plates with item names and descriptions engraved on them. https://5emagic.shop/generate
  • The Gracious Blade (Forge), Proprietor: Rai (Tiefling), curious type, makes constant puns.
  • Knit Wit (Tinkerer/Artificer), Proprietor: Gimble Wildwander (Gnome), quiet, has a tendency to bite his nails.
  • Sew & Tell (Clothes), Proprietor: Ulmo Nilmblefingers (Halfling), Friendly, fidgets. Bottom floor consists of shirts, jackets, pants and boots. A double wide staircase leads upstairs to dresses, skirts, hats, scarves, and gloves.
  • The Juicy Moon (Sweets), Proprietor: Shump (Half-Orc),Honest, speaks using long, flowery words.
  • Antediluvian Delights (Antiques), Proprietor: Hlin Strakeln (Dwarf), Ponderous, enunciates overly clearly. Wide rectangular room that's set up almost more like a museum than a shop, with glass display cases and marble columns.
  • Swarthy Scribes (Book Store), Proprietor: Fax Caavylteradyn (Dragonborn), irritable, frequently uses the wrong word in common (his native tongue is Draconic after all). The store is relatively small but tall. You can see a few of the edges of what was the 2nd floor above Fax's shop before he sawed it off to make room for taller shelves.
  • Spores, Mold, & Fungus (Potions), Proprietor: Anthoine Tural (human), blustering, tends to pace. The shop is dimly lit and humid, though it smells pretty good... oddly enough.
  • Patko's Emporium (General Store), Proprietor: Arnie

Entertainment Ward

Home to the Konistra (the arena), as well as more... exotic ... ways of passing the time.   The Temple of Prila: The only chapel of a god outside of the Temple District. Though the uninitiated may not know that from its outward appearance as a pleasure house with its... generously gifted attendants.

Things To Do:

  • Betting on or participating in fights in the Konistra.
  • Spending the night in the company of acolytes of Prila.

Forest Ward

A public park for the benefit of the residents of Port of Promise.   What's less common knowledge is that the forest is the product of Thamior Amastacia, an ancient elven Archdruid whose final resting place is beneath the oak at the center of the park. His soul passed on into the outer planes, but his magical power remained and infused the land that became the Forest Ward.   The grove has been preserved over the years to commemorate Amastacia's sacrifice in defending Port of Promise from an Eidolon of Bhaal.  

Council District

This is the seat of power in the city and in the kingdom of Satus. This is where the House of Dukes, the parliament building, and Saint Altra's Palace, the home of the monarch, are located.   Also located here is the Alstone School of the Arcane  

Key Locations

  • The Thurstan Museum:
  • The Avril Library

Temple Ward

The former seat of power in the city when Saints led empires. There are many ill-maintained temples from the Great Strife found in this district. Tributes to gods now out of the zeitgeist. But a few temples that the parliament of Satus recognizes and endorse remain in good condition:  
  • The Temple of Corellon: (Domain: Magic) Chief god of the elves.
  • The Temple of Yondalla: Chief god of the halflings.
  • The Temple of Moradin: Chief god of the dwarves.
  • The Temple of Garl Glittergold: Chief god of the gnomes.
  Beneath this district is the Necropolis where the entombed dead are kept.

North Ward

  Commoner housing, but more comfortable and spacious than in the South Ward.          

Agra Ward

Farms that feed the city itself, as well as produce stockpiles and reserves if the city ever comes under siege.

Things To Do

Every once in a while, farmers have to deal with the odd animal attack or goblin theft.

Under Ward

The overflow housing district, built in the cave under the cliff on the western side of the city. Out of sight and out of mind, it is less patrolled by guards. Some suspect this is by design, hypothesizing that Exchange is bribing the guards to turn a blind eye to what goes on here. It is actually uncommon for residents to lock their doors here, as their neighbors will assume it means that they have something worthwhile and will kick the door in anyway.


Port of Promise is the seat of power in Satus, home to both the Crown and to Parliament. Parliament creates and passes the laws and the Monarch enforces them.
Alternative Name(s)
Where It Began, The Shining Jewel
Large city
Owning Organization

This article has no secrets.


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