The Exchange Organization in The Promised Land | World Anvil

The Exchange

The Exchange is THE largest criminal guild in the Promised Land. It has tendrels that reach from The Kingdom of Terra Mystara"> to The Kingdom Satus">.   Need an illegal item smuggled in? They've got you covered. Need evidence removed (or placed) to lead an investigation down a certain trail. They've got that. Need someone to disappear? Well, you get the idea.


The leader is a mysterious figure known only as the "Compeer". Below the Compeer are the Regional Chief who oversee the Exchange for an entire kingdom. And reporting to the Regional Chief are the bosses who oversee most day to day activity. There's usually about one Boss for each major settlement in a kingdom, though there are exceptions.

Public Agenda

Smuggling and skullduggery. Sometimes placing bounties on groups or individuals.
Founding Date
Guild, Thieves


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