Third Settlement in The Path to Veritas | World Anvil
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On the north eastern region of Tumult nestled at the base of the Thirdric Mountain, is the halfling city of Third. It is part of Tumult though it is largely self-governing. In recent history, it is known to being the first city to repel the Second Mineosian Crusade. Since the end of the Demon Troubles, the Lich King Bedrich has invested more into the region of Third to shore up the defenses of the northern border.


A split between halfling locals and an influx of Ambershard dwarves.


While it gives fealty to the Tumult throne, Third has its own council of elders to govern things. There are also a few dwarven districts that are under the management of the Ambershard nobility.


Third has a natural barrier with them being built on a mountain, but otherwise have a poor defensive infrastructure. During the Second Mineosian Crusade, it did not take long for the crusaders sieging the city to capture it once their army came upon their walls. What they do have to their advantage is a confusing maze of roads and highways within their territory which they use to fuddle with larger forces in times of conflict.   Another thing Third had to their advantage was weaponized black powder that they purchased from the Silihadron fairies. It was originally meant for mineral extraction, but the crusade changed that.

Industry & Trade

Cosmic sugar is the main reason the dwarves have moved into this region. Tumult has been trying to compete in that market with their neighbor, the Bludgeon Halls, and Third has the largest accessible node in the country.   As for the halflings, they work some luxury crops like silk and various alcoholic beverages, but their main produce is medicine.


Third is the oldest of cities in Tumult, being founded during the first age when the Church of Veritas was expanding south from the tip of the leaf. It later became well known for its involvement in the halfling led reformation which later became known as Summer Worship. This reformation sparked the beginning of the Sundering where many cities seceded from the Church of Veritas. Thirdric was one of the first to do so.   For the remainder of the Sundering and Dark ages, Thirdric remained fairly isolated as peoples travelling south tend to avoid the mountainous region of Thirdric for the more hospitable Oush savannah. It was mainly a religious city at that point, focusing their attention on worship to the Seraph of Summer. The Dragon Blight saw a quick change in that, as their mountain home was invaded by green dragon broods. Many attribute the Third's archery talents to be derived from their time fighting the dragon. They never fought Meivyrth's gith forces head on, though, which would not have been the case if the green dragon surveyed the region (as the gith need cosmic sugar for their airship industry). Third did not join Tumult when it unified to defeat Meivyrth in the era of Iscalon the First, but rather it joined later when Iscalon's granddaughter was on the throne in the year 770 as it was profitable for both sides at the time. Future generations did not share that opinion, and in the Val'ul war of secession, Third almost seceded as well. Similar sentiment is felt in the reign of Iscalon the Fourth and his son, the Lich King Bedrich.   In the year 1038, the Second Mineosian Crusade reached the borders of Third's territory. As Third is historically a sore spot for the Church of Veritas, the crusaders showed little hesitance in taking the city by force, despite the clerical caste of the city urging peace. Between 1038 and 1039 saw a grueling conflict between the Rics and the Mineosians, with the crusade holding the city for most of that year. But the Third Militia, led by the freedom fighter/terrorist Laughing Stock, pushed them out through their use of guerilla tactics and bombings. Relations between Third and Tumult soured in this period, as the Tumult military sought diplomatic methods while the crusade occupied Third's streets. The population of Third are split on who was right in the matter, leaving a tense political climate in the city even after the crusade fled.


Summer worshippers would try to go to Armchester, Third and Evermore at least once in their lives to honor their history and faith.


A lot of Third is built into the Thirdric mountain, with people living in intricate burrows and underground structures. They also have larger stone structures for their more permanent buildings, such as their temple to Summer.


Third is in a mountainous region, and is built on an in a mountain.

Natural Resources

Third has a bit of mineral wealth, but their main resource for the wider market is Cosmic sugar, which is why the Ambershard dwarves moved into the region.
Founding Date
Approximately 120,000
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
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