Southern Fromatian Hegemony Organization in The Outer Layer | World Anvil
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Southern Fromatian Hegemony


The Hegemony was founded at the end of the Southern Fromatian Republic and at the wake of the Northern PRF's dissolution. The Writ of Rock, Wood, and Gold formed the oligarchical alliance between Mulath the Eternal, The Copper Claw clan, and the Golden Sickle Company. The Writ aimed to establish the three powers to prevent a power vacuum after the violent end to the Southern Fromatian Republic. Each power in the region maintained independence from the others but formed mainly a free trade and assistance agreement similar to the relationship with the Northern and Southern PRFs before the Civil War.  
The Hegemony is led by a tripartite council consisting of Mulath the Eternal, representing the mystical and ancient powers with technological expertise; the leader of the Copper Claw clan, symbolizing military might and tradition; and the CEO of the Golden Sickle Company, embodying commerce and economic prosperity. Each leader brings their expertise and governance style to the council, ensuring a balanced rule covering all societal aspects. While they govern their respective domains autonomously, crucial decisions affecting the entire Hegemony are made collectively, emphasizing unity and cooperation.  
The day-to-day operations of The Hegemony are managed through a complex system of administrative bodies, each responsible for specific governance aspects. The Treasury, overseen by the Golden Sickle Company, handles tax collection and financial policies. The Copper Claw clan manages defense and law enforcement, ensuring the security of the Hegemony's territories. Mulath provides the hegemony with advancements in Necram technology, like Necram furnaces and run forges. Public services, including infrastructure and civic management, are jointly administered by representatives from all three powers. This cooperative model ensures efficient governance, with each sector leveraging its strengths for the collective good.  
The Hegemony strongly emphasizes the welfare of its citizens, recognizing that a prosperous society is foundational to its success. Social services are robust, offering support for the needy and vulnerable. The Golden Sickle Company's involvement ensures that healthcare and education are prioritized, with investments in hospitals, schools, and universities. Environmental stewardship is a shared responsibility, with the Copper Claw clan often leading conservation efforts to protect natural resources. Mulath provides materials for infrastructure, like stone, iron, etc, to replace the need for wood in a region with little to no tectonic activity. These initiatives demonstrate The Hegemony's commitment to nurturing a healthy, educated, and sustainable society.  
In foreign affairs, The Hegemony adopts a pragmatic and strategic approach. Its foundation on free trade and mutual assistance has paved the way for a robust network of treaties and trade agreements. The council works closely to foster alliances, using diplomacy to navigate the region's complex geopolitics. Conflicts are approached with a preference for negotiation and peaceful resolution, but The Hegemony maintains a formidable defense capability, managed by the Copper Claw clan, to protect its interests. The ultimate goal is to secure a stable and prosperous position within the international community, promoting trade and cooperation while safeguarding sovereignty.


The Hegemony has developed a unique blend of customs from its founding powers. Ceremonies that combine the mystical rites of Mulath the Eternal with the martial traditions of the Copper Claw clan and the mercantile practices of the Golden Sickle Company mark significant events. Annual celebrations commemorate the signing of the Writ of Rock, Wood, and Gold, symbolizing unity and strength. In daily life, citizens engage in exchanges of goods, services, and knowledge, fostering a community spirit that transcends the boundaries of the individual powers.  
Unity is the cornerstone of Hegemony society, achieved through the integration of diverse backgrounds and the shared goal of prosperity and stability. The tripartite council's cooperative governance model serves as a powerful example of unity in action, guiding the populace in mutual respect and collaboration. Festivals and public forums encourage interaction among the different societal segments, strengthening the bonds between them.  
Legends of The Hegemony often revolve around its founders and the dramatic end of the Southern Fromatian Republic. Stories of Mulath the Eternal's wisdom, the valor of the Copper Claw clan, and the strategic acumen of the Golden Sickle Company's leaders are passed down through generations. These tales serve not only as entertainment but also as moral and ethical guides, inspiring citizens to embody the virtues of their leaders.  
Traditions in The Hegemony blend the old with the new, creating a rich cultural tapestry. The Necram technology provided by Mulath has led to unique architectural styles and crafting techniques, celebrated through festivals and competitions. The Copper Claw clan's martial practices are honored in annual tournaments, while the Golden Sickle Company sponsors trade fairs and innovation expos, showcasing the economic and technological advancements of the Hegemony.  
The Hegemony's cities are marvels of Necram technology and strategic design, with infrastructure built to last ages without the need for wood, thanks to Mulath's contributions. Urban centers are carefully planned to balance industrial, residential, and natural spaces, ensuring a harmonious coexistence between the environment and urban development. The capitals of each power within The Hegemony serve as hubs of culture, commerce, and governance, interconnected by trade routes and diplomatic ties.  
Religious practices within The Hegemony are as diverse as its people, ranging from the ancestral worship common among the Copper Claw clan to the mystical rites associated with Mulath the Eternal. The Golden Sickle Company promotes a secular, pragmatic approach to life but supports religious freedom, recognizing the value of faith in fostering community and moral values. Interfaith dialogues and celebrations are common, reflecting the society's inclusive ethos.  
Education in The Hegemony is highly valued, with the Golden Sickle Company's investments ensuring access to quality schooling for all citizens. Curricula are designed to promote not only academic and technical skills but also civic responsibility and cultural appreciation. Specialized institutions offer training in Necram technology, military tactics, and commerce, preparing students for diverse careers within the Hegemony's advanced society. The blending of knowledge from each founding power enriches the educational landscape, fostering a well-rounded and informed citizenry.


The SFH control the southern half of the continent of Fromata and all the waters in the surrounding area.


Each region contributes a certain number based on population for conscription. Each region also specializes in a certain aspect for the military.  
Golden Sickle
The Golden sickle gives the largest number of troops with a majority being infantry. The Golden Sickle infantry, mainly Carp mercenaries, were previously soldiers from the Southern PRF and Bannerlord faction.  
Mulath The Eternal
Mulath provides the smallest number of troops but is the main manufacturer of arms and seige weaponry. The largest factory of Necram powder in the world is deep within Mulath's city  
Copper Claw
Copper Claw provides neither the smallest or largest but sends highly specialized units for specific situations like scouting, assasinations, espinoge, etc.

Gilded like Gold, Wise as The Wood, Stronger than Stone

Poster of Ursalys Copperclaw, Mulath, and Hugil Gold-Bright
Strong as Stone, Necessary as Wood, and Valueable like Gold
Gilded like Gold, Wise as The Wood, Stronger than Stone
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
The Torel system
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations

Character flag image: by DALL-E


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