Mulath the Eternal Organization in The Outer Layer | World Anvil
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Mulath the Eternal


Mulath the Eternal was formed inside Mulath, the stone hawk and elemental of The Pass, the mountain range of Fromata. Mulath and three Vathmirian deserters, A miner, a soldier, and a politician, formed the Writ of the Small Folk to form a city-state within the body of Mulath. The Writ of the Small Folk established an agreement with Mulath to protect the mountains from over-mining and help seal openings in the Underdark in exchange for shelter and protected ore mining. The Writ also establishes three positions representing the initial three deserters to lead the mining industries, lead the army, and be Mulath's right hand.  
The true ruler of Mulath the Eternal is Mulath himself, but he rarely interacts with the people and can only handle so much, but still, his word is the law. Mulath's appointed leadership handled most of the nation's affairs while their ruler tended to his ancient elemental duties. Mulath appoints three positions: The Beak, The Talon, and the Wings, each representing a part of Mulath himself.  
The governance of Mulath the Eternal is structured around three pivotal roles, each embodying a crucial aspect of its founder and protector, Mulath.   The Beak oversees the vital mining industries, advocating for sustainable practices and the welfare of the workforce. This position, held by a leader from the mining or artificer guilds, is democratically elected by guild members, reflecting Mulath's dedication to Drelinist principles of worker rights and collective management. The Beak ensures that mining does not compromise the mountain's integrity, aligning with Mulath's protective mandate.   The Talon commands the city-state's military forces, safeguarding The Pass and vigilantly monitoring the Underdark's breaches. This role is filled by an army individual recognized by Mulath for exceptional leadership and courage, tasked with defending the city-state against external threats and maintaining peace.   The Wings manages the daily governance and ensures adherence to Drelinist ideology, focusing on community, equality, and social justice. An orphan raised by Mulath, The Wings personifies the city-state's resilience and communal spirit, orchestrating the political and social systems to reflect Mulath's vision for a just society.  
Mulath the Eternal is a testament to a society where the environment, health, and education are intertwined with its governance. The city-state's unique position within Mulath itself ensures that environmental stewardship is a priority, with strict regulations to prevent over-mining and preserve the natural beauty of The Pass. Healthcare and education are community-focused, with clinics and schools built into the very rock of Mulath, accessible to all. Social services are provided with a spirit of equity, ensuring that every citizen, from minor families to military veterans, receives the support they need. This holistic approach to welfare mirrors the Drelinist ideology of communal well-being and mutual care.  
In its diplomatic endeavors, Mulath the Eternal operates with a blend of ancient wisdom and pragmatic modernity. The city-state engages in treaties and trade agreements that honor its commitment to sustainability and mutual benefit. Alliances, particularly with neighboring states and entities, are forged with an eye toward collective security and economic cooperation, aiming to create a stable region that respects the delicate balance of nature and the need for peaceful coexistence. Conflicts are approached with a preference for dialogue and resolution that aligns with Drelinist principles, avoiding war unless necessary to protect its borders and people. Mulath the Eternal's goals on the international stage are to promote understanding, environmental stewardship, and the prosperity of all beings under the guidance of Mulath's ancient wisdom.


In Mulath the Eternal, customs are deeply intertwined with Drelinist principles, focusing on community engagement, respect for the environment, and the celebration of collective achievements. Seasonal festivals mark the cycles of mining and renewal, where the community gathers to share the fruits of their labor and honor the balance between nature and industry. Artisan fairs and technological showcases are common, celebrating innovation and craftsmanship within the framework of sustainable development.  
Unity in Mulath the Eternal is cultivated through a shared commitment to Drelinist ideology, which emphasizes collective well-being over individual gain. Public assemblies and forums are frequent, allowing citizens to voice concerns, share ideas, and participate directly in decision-making. This sense of unity is further strengthened by the communal upbringing of orphans like The Wings, symbolizing the society's collective responsibility towards each member.  
Though Mulath forbids the worship of his person, legends within the city-state often revolve around the founding of Mulath the Eternal, the wisdom of Mulath, and the heroism of the three Vathmirian deserters. These stories passed down through generations, serve not as deifications but as moral and inspirational tales highlighting the virtues of perseverance, wisdom, and communal solidarity.  
Traditions in Mulath the Eternal reflect its harmonious blend of nature and industry. Ceremonies to mark the beginning and end of mining seasons, commemorating the signing of the Writ of the Small Folk, and celebrating technological advancements are integral. These traditions reinforce the community's dedication to Drelinist values and the symbiotic relationship with the mountain.  
Principles of sustainability and efficiency guide urban development in Mulath the Eternal. Buildings and infrastructure are seamlessly integrated into the landscape, minimizing environmental impact and promoting green spaces. The architecture reflects a blend of natural materials and advanced Necram technology, creating a habitat that is both innovative and in tune with nature.  
Despite Drelinism's secular and humanist core, Mulath the Eternal is a haven of religious tolerance. Drelinist ideology, while not religious itself, does not discriminate against those who hold religious beliefs. This open-mindedness has led to a diverse spiritual landscape where various faiths coexist peacefully, each practicing harmoniously with the city-state's overarching principles of mutual respect and communal welfare.  
Education in Mulath the Eternal is comprehensive and egalitarian, designed to foster critical thinking, civic responsibility, and a deep respect for the environment. Schools emphasize Drelinist philosophy, teaching the importance of community, equality, and sustainable living. Specialized training in mining, artisanship, and Necram technology ensures that students are well-prepared to contribute to the city-state's prosperity while adhering to its core values.

Demography and Population

Largely Half elven and dwarven majority with a decent minority of various human & beastfolk sub races

The Stone Hawk Guards

Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
Ruling Organization
Government System
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
The Torel System
Parent Organization


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