Frozen Imperium Organization in The Outer Layer | World Anvil
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Frozen Imperium

Founder: Vathmir   purpose: To spread like the cold and dominate like the frost dunes of Til-Colt   Organization: Led by Vathmir during the subjugation of humans on Fromata. Vathmir had a court of 13 governors given the title of Moth that would govern a region. The Moths would each have a 3 branched military ( Army, Navy, Special Forces) that would vary in size depending on the terrain they covered (for example the Moth that covered the Inland Emerald Vale had the biggest Army and Special Forces but the smallest navy which consisted of a handful of river patrol boats).   Description: The Vathmirian Empire was a formidable force against any of the powers at the time. The empire was largely secular believing only in the "Immortal spirit" of Vathmir but not outright worshiping him. It could be argued that the empire worshiped the magical sciences with their groundbreaking, albeit horrific, experimentation.
Geopolitical, Empire

Enemies during the 1st Fromatian war


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