Daneel Cygnus Character in The Ophelia VII 'Dust Zone | World Anvil

Daneel Cygnus

Inquisitor Daneel Cygnus

The father of Danforth and Alicia Laertes, and the rapist of their mother Canoness Shania, Daneel Cygnus enjoyed high-rank in the Holy Orders of the Emperor's Inquisition and a scourge of psykers and witches. His early career was storied but after his violation of Shania dark rumors surrounded him and he served on the Blackship Midnight, circling the galactic south-west and returning to Terra with a harvest of psykers for the Golden Throne after each voyage. Some years later he returned to Ophelia VII, home of Shania and the Daughters of Verity, and recruited a young man as his apprentice who was, ultimately, to become his undoing.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Daneel began his Inquisitorial career with significant advantages. He was the favored Acolyte and later Interrogator of a Lord Inquisitor, and the older man groomed him for greatness ensuring he not only received the best training and resources but also shielding him not only from difficult assignments he might fail to complete, but even ones that would not advance his career. The old man taught him confidence and certitude, but Daneel instead learned pride and no humility - he saw himself not as a servant and protector of humanity but as a privileged ruler lording it over them, wiser than the dull masses.   During his apprenticeship he worked with Jessica Stark, a more-junior Acolyte of his master who became Interrorgator when he was given the Rosette. Blinded by his own hubris and misogyny, he initially only saw her for her beauty and did not appreciate the cruel and calculating mind behind her lovely eyes. For her part she saw him for what he was and, recognizing he would rise far and be a valuable ally, used her wiles to lead him on and into a mistake which cost him the promise of a debt and boon ... which she refused to be tricked into calling in.   Receiving the Rosette earlier than most and joining the Ordo Hereticus like his master, Daneel embarked on a galaxy-spanning romp of a career, a swaggering witch-hunt marked by braggadocio and spectacle more than solid jurisprudence. It is true he brought many heretics to justice, but no-few others were caught up in the pyres of his ambition. Planetary governors privately expressed dismay at the collateral damage, but they dared not challenge the brash Inquisitor. For their part his colleagues in the Ordos considered his actions a success and no different from a hundred other Inquisitors' - perhaps they even thought his tactics were best; a widely-cast net was better than careful fishing as it not only caught all targets, even those that hid, but also created a climate of fear which prevented seeds of recidivism from sprouting.
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Executed by Alicia and Danforth Laertes
Piercing blue
Thick, black with gray-streaks
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by AI Nightcafe generator