The Dogs Organization in The Offenders' Neighborhood | World Anvil

The Dogs

The Canis or The Dogs are the fun Neighbors. They love having fun and are known for their end of summer pool parties to celebrate the new Offenders. They also enjoy hosting Christmas, Halloween, and Valentine's Day parties. It's really always a party at the Canis's house(s). Although in the Neighborhood they are a fun family, in the criminal world the Canis's are always for hire as mercenaries.

The Canis are trained to hunt. Throughout their childhood hunting is how they were taught. It is where they were taught how to stalk, to shoot, and to kill. For a Canis being a mercenary seems a part of life. Only the strong survive in a kill-or-be-killed world.

In order to enter into the Canis family one must pass 2 Body Exams, 2 Mind Exams, and 1 Tongue Exams. As well as 1 Solo Exam and 1 Team Exam. (A Total of 7 Exams.)

The Canis might seem scary, but they're not. In the Neighborhood they're the friendliest people, just don't get on their bad side. They're always packing.

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