The Canis Homes Building / Landmark in The Offenders' Neighborhood | World Anvil

The Canis Homes

The Canis Homes are where The Dogs live. The houses known for being somewhat dark and grim, but aesthetically pleasing. They are known for having the best "gunned" security system (a security system with guns). The guns are the most accurate in the neighborhood, but don't tell the difference between a friendly neighbor and a dangerous thief.

Purpose / Function

The Canis Homes are for housing and raisng the best mercenaries.


The houses have not changed much since The Canis first moved in. Besides the paint, the added booby traps, and the common updates to older houses, they are still similar to their original look.


The Canis Homes are made with an old Victorian style. All the windows are tinted, and all the shutters are white or pale gray. The outside decor of a Victorian house are also white or pale gray. The houses are typically dark, dark, gray or black.

However, this is where the similarities end. Each house is very clearly Victorian, but each one is designed differently. One has an archway that leads to their front door. Another is taller than it is longer, and only has arches over the windows. The last two are both quite large, but one of them has much more decor and fancy details on the outside than the other one.


There are quite a few defenses on all four houses. All four houses have a very accurate gun system attached to their security system, however, the booby traps and tricks are different in each yard.

House 1 has a paintball system installed in their yard that shoots marbles instead of paintballs. House 2 has a series of gun fire that shoots up from the ground. House 3 has various knives and sharp things that stick up from the ground, along with two gaurd dogs. House 4 has very few booby traps, but if a certain pressure point is triggered an alarm sounds inside. This alarm wakes up the residents and tells them to grab their guns and shoot whoever dared walk on their front lawn.
Owning Organization


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