Session 32: Vladimir Swordhand Report in the Obscured Seas | World Anvil
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Session 32: Vladimir Swordhand

General Summary

A quick death will be easier than the tortures that Zarovich will inflict upon you - and more merciful than the pain I would deliver if you succeeded.
  Our friends of the Wandering Apocalypse continue their rummaging through the ruined halls of Argynvostholt. As they come upon the third floor, they soon find themselves in corridors tested by time and weather. A large hole in the roof lets in the cold outside light. Passing through the chambers, they find testimonies of who it was that used to live here, and what transpired here. It is also here that they come upon Vladimir Horngaard, former leader of the Order of the Silver Dragon. A gaunt face rests upon a muscular body, and a massive sword is clutched in his hands as he sits upon a dragon-shaped throne in what once must've been the audience hall. Remains of many that have visited before are strewn across the ground. The Wandering Apocalypse, not faltered by his grim 'Go away', are convinced to leave him initially by him summoning several of the trapped silver knights from before. Onwards they go, into a large chamber with a broken-open vault they come upon the journal of Argynvost himself, retelling how his order has fallen, how the Devil has come to these lands, and how now he will go and face him himself out of the love he has for this place.
They do decide that it would be a perfectly good idea to recite this to Vladimir Horngaard, to remind him of his beliefs. Vladimir Horngaard however is perfectly aware of the beliefs he once held. He is also very much aware of his failure and the resulting death of his friends and battle-brothers, his love, and the fall of his order and the valley that followed, and seems pretty set in sparing others those beliefs by trapping Strahd von Zarovich eternally in this hell of his own making. As such, the oration didn't really have the planned effect, and even worked to agitate him by reminding him of his failures before. Some more brooding followed, as well as some more warnings, but these weren't heeded. As such, Vladimir decided to grant them a swift and merciful death, instead of the torment Strahd would inflict upon them, or he would inflict upon them should they kill Strahd. As such, combat quickly erupted.
A chaotic brawl is the better word for it, however. Six silver knights charged forward, shouting battle cries about repelling the Devil's invaders. Vladimir Horngaard closely followed, brandishing his sword. Andrius threw down his breastplate, layered with scales from Argynvost himself, in the hopes of appeasing Vladimir Horngaard with a tribute. This too added to the mayhem as a shadowy figure rose within the plate, attacking whatever around it indiscriminately. The Wandering Apocalypse quickly find themselves in trouble, overwhelmed by forces nearly double their numbers. Smoke bombs exploded, massive fireballs followed, Andrius was almost ran through, saved at the last moment by Gix Garrix throwing himself against Horngaard, who only drew a little blood and promptly had his hand fused with his sword due to wild magic. They managed to make their way through the rubble of the collapsed roof, ducking and diving in between ghostly swords and the very not-ghostly fuckhuge sword, and as they left the corridor, the forces returned to the audience hall.
Alive, yet badly hurt, the Wandering Apocalypse pressed on. They climbed up to the roof, but soon found themselves beset upon by ghostly arrows from the nearby tower. They dashed inside, climbed the worn stairs above the Chapel of Traumas, caused literal tar to rain from the sky, and successfully dealt with them despite the floor at times falling away below them. Having reached the top, they find themselves in a beacon room with a rather impressive view, ravens roosting on the rafters, and a swirling black vortex of mist in the center, radiating rather unpleasant feelings.
Report Date
07 Mar 2019
Primary Location

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