Rosavalda Durst Character in the Obscured Seas | World Anvil
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Rosavalda Durst

(a.k.a. Rose)

I'm really good at this spell, you see. Do you want me to show you?

Rosavalde Durst was the oldest child of Gustav and Elisabeth Durst, as well as the older sister of Thornbolt Durst. Her family inhabited Death House. Rosavalde Durst currently resides within Vallthriel.
The Danger Strangers first encounter an image of the children at the road outside Death House, where she begs them to find her long-lost brother. As they go through the house, they however discover that the children have been long dead as they meet their spirits, still locked within their room. Their spirits do not wish to give up these newfound companions, and Andrius and Vallthriel were voluntarily possessed. They have since traveled with the party, occasionally lending a hand. Their awareness however seems to be linked to Death House, rendering them less conscious the further away they more.
237 AO 247 AO 10 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died of starvation.

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