Father Donavich Character in the Obscured Seas | World Anvil
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Father Donavich

Bury old Indirovich? Aye. It's the least I can do for that man. Meet me at dawn.

Father Donavich is the priest of the Chuch of the Morninglord in Barovia (village), and the father of Doru.
Donavich is a broken husk of a man, praying day and night for the Morninglord to return his son back to humanity. Doru torments him day and night, begging to be released from the cellar and to be fed.
Donavich agreed to bury Kolyan Indirovich, and pointed the Danger Strangers to Saint Andral's Church and the Abbey of Saint Markovia as these are the last few hallowed places in Barovia.
Current Location
Year of Birth
934 AO 48 Years old

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