Church of the Morninglord Building / Landmark in the Obscured Seas | World Anvil
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Church of the Morninglord

Oh lord, I beg of you, please return him to me. He is but a boy. Oh lord, I beg of you, please return him to me. He is but a boy. Oh lord, I beg of you...

The Church of the Morninglord is the sole church in the village of Barovia, serviced by Father Donavich. He is a broken shell of a man, praying day and night to the Morninglord to return his son Doru to him.
The church stands atop of a small hill in front of the cliffs upon which Ravenloft perches. It has weathered onslaughts of evil for centuries, but is on the brink of giving up. Its roof is missing shingles, displaying large holes. Its walls are slowly sagging and its wood looks rotten to the core. The sole bell tower looks like it could fall over at any moment. The door is scorched by fire and scarred by claw.
Temple / Church
Parent Location
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