Abbey of Saint Markovia Building / Landmark in the Obscured Seas | World Anvil
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Abbey of Saint Markovia

For Saint Markovia and Saint Andral did stood against the Devil Strahd, rousing the inhabitants that long since lived here to fight, lest they lose all they had. Together, they set upon the foul castle the Devil Strahd had built, but mere bleak bones returned.

The Abbey of Saint Markovia is an abbey located on the high cliffs to the north of Krezk, and said to be the holiest place in the land. It is headed by the Abbot, a man seemingly blessed with eternal youth. Over a hundred years ago he came to the village of Krezk and requested to take over the Abbey. He has served there ever since.
The Abbot ever still rules the Abbey, having driven off the Wandering Apocalypse.
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