Alfheim Geographic Location in The Nine Worlds of Heimar | World Anvil
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Alfheim (World of the Elves)

Home of the Alven, otherwise known as Elves.


Alfheim has a varied landscape, full of a variety of terrains. It is primarily characterized by long rivers slowly weaving through coniferous forests and swampy marshes.


Alfheim's ecology is incredibly unique due to the effects of the Ethereal Worldsoul. After The Blight was cured, many organisms, both animal and plant, were brought back from near death and were forever changed by it. This nearness to death never fully left the planet and has influenced it's growth since. Many creautures, including the Alven, have adapted to their newfound abilities very quickly while others, seem to forever dwell in a sort of trance neither growing nor dying, just existing. The life spans of all organisms on the planet has signifigantly increased and some seem to undergo multiple deaths before fully fading from this life.

Localized Phenomena

The Ethereal Worldsoul allows inhabitants of the planet to walk the line between life and death, crossing both with ease.


Alfheim used to be warm, bright, and sunny heathily cycling through many seasons. But since The Blight, neither winter nor summer comes. The planet remains cold and dreary, grey clouds darkening the skies night and day, with a persistet rain that never truly subsides.


Alfeheim used to be a bright and cheery place, full of the arts and beautiful architecture, The Alven lived in harmony with one another and thrived under the watch of their very own worldsoul. But it was not to remain. When the Old Aesir arrived on Alfheim, the planet was facing an epidemic of a sickness simply known as "The Blight." The Blight was a fatal virus with no cure to be found that afflicted both the elves and the natural world around them. The Blight could rot entire forests, animals and all, in a matter of months. It was no less cruel to the Alven population. To make matters worse, with every soul that departed the once glowing and bright worldsoul slightly diminished. Soon, both the Alven and their Worldsoul would quietly fade from existence.   Once it had been determined that the virus was exclusive to Alven physiology and could not be passed on the Aesir population, the Alves desperately reached out to Odin, begging him to lend the aid of advanced Aesir medicine to hopefully cure the blight. Initially, Odin refused to help, believing their condition to be to far advanced to be helped. However, the backlash from the Aesir community was so overwhelming that Odin relented and made a deal with the Elves. If they were to find a cure and reverse the damage done, the Aesir would have unregulated access to the Alven Worldsoul, should it even remain. Desperate for help and with no alternative options, the Alven agreed.   The Aesir's technology did help produce an effective cure for The Blight, but it came with an extremely strange side effect. The cure had no effect on an infected subject, as long as it remained alive. Interestingly, the cure had a rapid and efficient effect on the virus, but only after the host had breathed their last. For but a brief few moments after the body succumbed to The Blight, an Alven's consciousness remained in tact, and it was in this short window that the cure not only eradicated the virus from the host, but also revived their physical body. However when they awoke, the Alven were not completely unaffected by death's grasp. The Blight left their bodies in a fragile state, even after recovery, and the resurrected Alven bore deathly gray skin, and a broken Worldsoul tether.   While the solution was not ideal, their species' survival depended on this cure and so the Alven quickly began administering it as fast as possible. The cure worked on the Alven as well as the other ecological organisms of Alfheim, having the same effect on them as well. However, even though the Alven race would continue to survive, their initial worldsoul continued to fade. To commemorate the event, all elves that could gathered in the capital city to witness it's final moments and mourn it's passing. They all watched as the Worldsouls once shining light slowly dimmed to a pale glow and then darkness. There was a moment of silence from all present, but before they could begin their mourning there was an incredible flash, and huge pulse of energy ripped across the sky. In that moment, every Alven that had received the cure for the blight felt a surge of power rush through their very souls. As they gazed at the source of the now blinding light, there stood a their beloved Worldsoul, but it had also been changed by it's encounter with death. What was once bright and inviting, was now pale and ghostly, surrounded by an ethereal mist and casting an eerie glow across the land. What they had thought was the end of their society, was merely the beginning of a new one.   There was great celebration across the planet, but soon the Alven would regret the deal they had made with the Aesir. The Aesir took full advantage of their newly acquired worldsoul and exploited the elves in every way. What's worse, is the Alven elite helped them do it. Classism quickly became a very prominent issue among their society and continues to this day. After Ragnorok, the corrupted Alven government was able to impose it's authority on the lower classes like never before. Exploitation, greed, lies, and all manners of corruption currently prevail on Alfheim. But the Alven of the lower classes have had enough. Led by Cathara the Blessed Eye, the Alven people have actively rebelled against the Illusory Alliance, plunging the planet into civil war for the past 3 years. Neither side has managed to gain the upper hand, but that may all change with the reawakening of the Bi-frost.
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