The God of Reality Character in The Nine Realms | World Anvil
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The God of Reality

Lord Favion Of Days End (a.k.a. He Who Walks Between Seams)

Known as Favion or Cianus, he is the Lord of Shapes, Bender of Reality, Navigator of Primordia. Long considered the wisest and among the most powerful of the Pantheon, his very presence warps and distorts reality around him , as if he himself were a blade sharpened by eons of slaughter. His domain is all of creation and its physical planes, his feet always meeting the earth, yet never leaving the sky. His power is a close rival to that of Hrothmund, who can also tear open holes in reality, but not without great strain unless in dire need. Favian, as he is more commonly called, does this effortlessly, walking through spaces known and unknown, weaving and sewing rips and tears left by his siblings and by the other Gods and their paracausal abilities. He eternally craves knowledge, and is hell bent on finding a path to redefine the universe.

Divine Domains

Space, Reality, Magic, and all forms of matter

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A single, burning eye, suspended between two pillars, layers of Runic script circling the central image


Nights of A Thousand Lights- Nights where the sky shimmers brightly with waves of color. They are spread intermittently throughout the year, and change from year to year.   The Dark Days- Once every year and a half, the sun becomes shrouded in black.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To redefine the Truths of the Universe and shape the Perfect Reality.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

More lean than his brothers, but still incredibly strong. He shares the same broad shoulders, however his limbs are more lithe, allowing for greater movement and flexibility

Body Features

Darker skin than his brethren, with jet black hair, shaved on the sides, slick back and tied in a ponytail at the base of his head.

Facial Features

More angular than his brethren, with the same pointed ears of the elves, albeit more pronounced.

Identifying Characteristics

Due to his merging of minds with the Great Dragon, his right eye acquired a fiery look to it with a slit pupil. Many interpretations of his appearance say that this eye either is made of fire or is wreathed in fire, with the veins around his right eye seeming to glow with the same searing blood that Hrothmund has.

Special abilities

The Sight   Arcane Nexus- the mind enters a stasis, the body driven by instinct and reaction. Eyes begin to glow white, and any markings, tattoos, or fresh wounds begin to glow similarly. Reality shatters, the universal forces of creation bending to the will of the Lord. Past Lords add to the ability with their skills, fighting techniques, certain movements, etc.

Apparel & Accessories

Loose fitting robes that float as if in a vacuum, with a set of Starsteel manacles around his wrists and feet, starsteel chains dangling from them.

Specialized Equipment

Fuskiidro Sinak- A set of rings that cover his fingers, each tied to an element of reality to cast, allowing simple hand gestures and martial stances to summon a different element. Closed fist controls earth, pointer and middle fingers outstretched and together controls fire, flat hand with fingers together controls water, open hand and separated fingers controls air and wind.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After being born, Favion was granted incalculable knowledge from some Higher Power beyond the Realms, many Convergence Scholars suggesting he was one of the first and only Lords to receive the full intensity of the ability called, "The Sight," allowing him to be granted knowledge from times infinitely long ago and infinitely far ahead. Many now contend that it is he who actually grants the ability, but the truth to this statement is entirely unknown and up for debate.   During the First Great War with the Great Dragon and the Fireborn, it was he and Adaliah, who sealed the Fireborn away in a pocket reality outside of this one, disconnecting him from his powers and allowing Hrothmund to defeat him before they moved upon the Great Dragon. During the Confrontation, Favion used his power over reality to cast upon the creature great catastrophes, ranging from earthquakes that shattered the earth a thousand times over, speared him with great pillars of rock, battered him with winds so violent as to tear holes in his wings and steal the air from his breath, his fires growing cold and lifeless.   Upon defeating the Great Dragon, Favion and Adaliah, being fond of each other, decided to consumate their love through the First Descendants, children of Time and Space- the Eldari, the furthest ancestors of the Elves and the Skorgiri, ancestors to the Dwarves and Giants. From the Great Dragon's corpse, he took his mind, melding it to his own. This allowed Favion to understand how his powers worked, and thus, be able to teach others, creating the first instances of magic, such as Pyromancy, Geomancy, Cryomancy, Electromancy, and much more later to be practiced.   Now, as a God, Favion rules from his own pocket realm outside of the Nine, called Aeternus, where knowledge is hoarded from all corners of creation. As a Lord, his tomb has yet to be found, Convergence Scholars predicting that the remains of the Magistri Rerum resides in a place outside of time, where he rests eternally, untouched by the eons. Some even say that outside of the normal laws of reality, time does not exist as a concept, and that the Lord still lives.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The Melding- Upon the Defeat of the Great Dragon, Favion took his mind, molding and shaping it to his own to learn the secrets of magic, ranging from Pyromancy to Blood Magic and even the Soul Arts and Abysswalking.


Adaliah, Goddess of Time and Fate

Sister/ Lover (Important)

Towards The God of Reality


The God of Reality

Older Brother/ Lover (Important)

Towards Adaliah, Goddess of Time and Fate



Divine Classification
Circumstances of Birth
Reality warped around his very being, distorting and bending the light around him
Pale blue
Straight, long silver hair
8'6" or 2.6m
Related Myths
Known Languages

Articles under The God of Reality


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