The Kelp Forests Geographic Location in The Nightlight Zone | World Anvil
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The Kelp Forests

The Forests are located north of the Plains and the Fields, and consist of a vast expanse of various kelp species. They grow to these expansive populations from the abundance of chemicals in the waters above, concentrated in this one area from the smokers and quakes in the Nightlight Zone. This biome has rather diverse terrain, with surrounding waters tinted a shade of green in most areas, and it contains the largest abundance of life in the entire realm.


Much of the Forests' geography is widely diverse, the only unifying factor being the kelp that dominates the region. There are enormous archways formed either from rock or plant roots, serving as homes for various different lifeforms. There are large sandy basins in between dense populations of kelp, that mostly become hunting grounds for certain predators, and nesting grounds for other species. There have also been recorded instances of tall rocky spires, and deep winding ravines occurring, as well as landforms suspended in the open water due to thick roots jutting from below, and lifting them out of the ground. These islands are thought to host their own micro-ecosystems separate from everything else, though not many have been properly explored.


The Forests experience many of the same problems as every other environment, such as the dark and the cold, but the several plant species also have a part to play in shaping their ecosystem. The abundance of kelp inherently creates numerous of opportunities for the inhabitants to survive the realm, and allows for a wider diversity of ecological roles for the creatures to fill. There are also certain types of plants that have been observed causing havoc on the ecosystem by constantly reshaping the terrain from simply growing. These sturdy roots can burrow through the ground and push against landforms, creating floating landmasses and unnaturally shaped ravines in close proximity.

Many smaller creatures live freely among the lesser plants in the forests. Mussels, urchins, and corals grow in sparse quantities overshadowed by everything else, but can grow just about anywhere among the plant life, even with root systems disturbing the landscape. Larger, more prominent creatures come in any form, from fish, to large crustaceans and arachnids, to cephalopods, to amorphous creatures such as jellyfish. Many creatures rely on ambush, camouflage, or working together to survive in their crowded environment.

The lives of such creatures involve a mix of territorial and migratory behaviors, with some able to survive by staying in one area for most of their lives, and others needing to search for a variety of food sources. Many will cooperate with one another to get their share of a meal, usually temporarily, but can also form social groups from individuals they meet. Others take to staying by themselves, relying on their ability to hide among the dense foliage.

Ecosystem Cycles

The occasional ocean currents will topple many of the kelp strands that grow in these forests, causing the deaths of other plants that rely on them for survival. The enormous ground roots in particular will fall and crush anything upon death, and also cause mass migrations when they reshape the landscape from pushing themselves out of the ground. Several creatures also have specific times in the year to hunt and breed, but usually take place during a period when the ground roots stay quiet.

Localized Phenomena

The Forests experience frequent tremors and quakes, both from the ground and the ground roots. A regular quake will occur and cause the ground to shake, leveling vast tracts of kelp populations and destroying territories all around, with the magma also incinerating a good portion of lifeforms caught nearby. Some geothermal vents in this region are also as large as a pond on the surface world, and cause frequent tremors in a small radius.

The ground roots can also cause their own quakes when they start growing out of the ground, causing initial tremors, before breaking the land apart and crushing anything with the rocks that fall off from the roots. Some of the root quakes can cause valleys to form, causing any plants to fall into the valleys and get crushed by the landslides caused by the formations. They can also flip an entire section of land on its side as if it were a door, forming large rock piles for the plants to eventually take over. When the roots push a section of land up from the ground, they create an enormous crater directly below, which usually become landfills for chunks of rock falling from the newly created floating island.

Fauna & Flora

The fauna is mainly half vertebrates and invertebrates, with most species tending towards cooperation, but only interacting with other species to compete for resources.

Kelp Glider
Green Ray
Spikeshell Ammonite
Pacific Man O' War
Scythe Lobster
Polearm Squid
Megafin Squid
Giant Fringehead
Abominable Crab
Flora is found everywhere, with a large majority being inedible. The edible plants make sure to stand out among the rest with various methods.

Red-Tip Kelp
Marine Lilypad
Coiled Fern
Seaweed Cluster
Nightlight Pod

Natural Resources

The most often used resource in this biome are the kelp and roots. Several different creatures used discarded strands of kelp to make nests, hideaways, and to cover their bodies to camouflage themselves. The ground roots also have numerous crevices at the bases, providing hideaways for nests and any type of small creature, with some specifically looking for these roots to make nesting grounds. Some plants, like the inedible Marine Lilypads, also serve as hiding places for several sessile creatures.

Shells have also been found numerously throughout the Forests, with such creatures like the Abominable Crabs and the Megafin Squid having their shells commonly used to hide from threats. Some of these shells have also been found put together to form complex structures to shield prey from predators. Predators also constantly use the kelp strands to hide them when hunting, and often prowl around the ground roots to scout for prey using them for nests. Certain creatures that can grab things, like the Kelp Gliders and certain squid, often use rocks and clumps of dead plant matter to carry to mates, or to save it for making territories.


Not much history is known of the Kelp Forests as a whole, but it is known that this biome was one of the last ones to form. The plants might've covered every square inch of the land, before the first animal species migrated to the Forests to feed on them. These creatures could've grown to enormous sizes due to the abundance of food, before they had to shrink to compensate for their feeding habits reducing the availability of plants. Some time later, the first settlements were built by Cave Stalkers when they first expanded their civilization. These buildings are said to have mimicked the kelp around them, in order to have more densely populated cities. However, plant life might've further diminished due to their agricultural practices, which likely aided in the reduction of certain populations of other species. After the Cave Stalkers' near extinction, the plants reclaimed their territory.

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