Grey Mountains Geographic Location in The New World (2.Order) | World Anvil

Grey Mountains

The grey mountains pose a giant barrier between the riverlands and the Great Desert. They are named after their stone which is mostly smooth and dark and appears grey in the sunlight, but black when highly polished.
The whole line of mountains is a little less then one thousand miles long which makes the journey around it rather long. Yet people have never made any trading routes through these mountains, too afraid the demons could use them to pour out into the lands beyond too easily. There are only small tracks with little marking that pass through these mountains and a guide is recommended for anyone that does not know their way amongst the high peaks and deep valleys.

the southern side of the mountains, where once the High Tower stood is mostly deserted in the days of the godking.
The northern side however is well populated. There lie the Hilllands of Tyrgamon from where many streams and rivers run down into the river @Rhous and from there out to the sea.
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