Zooma Character in The New dark age | World Anvil
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Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

When he needs a good weapon, he carries a large Morningstar. It is his favorite weapon, and he has killed some very big monsters with a single swing with it. Zooma likes it so much he cleans and polishes it every time be for and after a fight.   Well, he likes using his Morningstar he can easily kill someone without it he has killed plenty of times by just ripping his enemies apart with his bare hands.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zooma was born in a sasquatch village where he lived until he was a young adult. After hugging his family goodbye, he left his village for Miskatonic city looking for work to make some money to send home to his family. After arriving he found it hard to find full time work after falling into some debts, he took a loan with the Falcone Family's loan sharks. Not being able to pay back his debts he agreed to do a few jobs for the Falcone family just until he paid off what he owed them. Zooma worked as the family's hired muscle and fought in their fight clubs where he won most of the fights, he was in. With his great size and strength, he quickly made more than enough to pay off all his debts and send money back home. But after he got a taste of the lifestyle, he found that he liked it much more then looking for work and taking it where he can find it, so he decided to stay working for the Falcone crime family. He often works as one of Jimmy Falcone's bodyguards or fighting in one of the Falcone's fight clubs. Even though he is part of the crime family he still sends most of the money he makes back to his home village, he just tells his family that he found a really good paying job, which isn't a lie.


Hired muscle for the Falcone crime family.   Zooma is big even for a sasquatch most of the jobs are collecting debts that are owed to the Falcone family's loan sharks. Zooma is also trusted and respected within the Falcone family's and as such he is often hired on as a bodyguard to the organization's god father and underbosses. But Zooma's favorite job in the organization is fighting in the family's tavern the Blood Pit.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Well not working Zooma spends much of his free time in the Blood pit tavern drinking or playing cards. He can drink a gallon of beer, pruno and whiskey a day. That and even that he has been told to be a non-violent person sense he was a child after coming to Miskatonic he found that he likes to assert his power and to rip apart others in the arena. For that he still enjoys fighting in the blood pit with his skills and strength he has killed many of his opponents in the ring. Zooma rarely cares who his opponent is as he has fought men and beasts in the ring killing many of them.


Family Ties

Despite being a hardened criminal and killer, you probably will never figure it if you only saw him with his family. He visits his home village and family every opportunity he gets. When he is with his family, he will not take a drink of alcohol and is one of the gentlest big feet you will ever see. He desperately does not what his family to figure out what he does of a living.
Current Location
9 feet tall
Aligned Organization


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