Te Kohanga Geographic Location in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Te Kohanga

Te Kohanga is a small island located off the southern coast of the large island of Motu. This island is a nature lover's paradise, well-known for its large and diverse bird population.   The people of Te Kohanga are known as the Kohangans. They are a small but close-knit community of around 500 Kikipua. They are known for their friendliness and hospitality towards visitors. The islanders are mostly fishermen, and they rely on the sea for their livelihood. They share common ancestors with the Mu'o'a of Motu, but have developed their own unique culture. Their language is called Kohangan, and it is closely related to the language of the Mu'o'a.   The island's main settlement is a small village located on the island's northern coast, surrounded by lush greenery. The locals are skilled artisans and craftspeople, and they produce beautiful handmade crafts and jewelry.


Te Kohanga is a relatively small island with an area of approximately 150 square miles. It is one of the southernmost islands in the archipelago of the Million Islands. The island is surrounded by coral reefs, and the crystal clear waters are perfect for swimming and snorkeling. The island is also home to several small bays and coves that offer a safe haven for boats. Inland, the island is covered in dense jungle, with towering trees and thick underbrush.


The most notable feature of Te Kohanga is its bird population. The island is home to over 100 different species of birds, including the elusive and beautiful Kohanga Parrot. The Kohanga Parrot is a rare and endangered species, found only on this island. The bird is known for its strikingly colorful feathers and its ability to mimic human speech. The island is also home to several other bird species, including the Te Kohanga Pigeon, which is commonly hunted by the island's inhabitants for food.   Apart from the birds, the island is also home to several other species of animals. There are small populations of monkeys, wild pigs, and deer. The waters surrounding the island are teeming with various species of fish, including tuna, mahi-mahi, and barracuda.   The island's vegetation is mostly tropical rainforest, with dense underbrush and tall trees. The forest is home to several medicinal plants and herbs, and the locals have been using them for centuries to treat various ailments.

Localized Phenomena

Te Kohanga is home to several localized phenomena, including several small hot springs and geysers. These geothermal features are the result of the island's volcanic activity, and they provide an important source of hot water for the island's inhabitants.


The climate on Te Kohanga is warm and tropical, with high humidity and frequent rainfall. The island experiences two distinct seasons: a wet season from November to April and a dry season from May to October. During the wet season, the island receives heavy rainfall, often leading to flooding and landslides. During the dry season, the island is much drier, with clear blue skies and warm temperatures.

Natural Resources

The natural resources on Te Kohanga are primarily focused around the island's rich marine environment. The island is surrounded by coral reefs, which are home to a wide range of marine life, including several species of fish and shellfish. The island's inhabitants rely heavily on fishing for their livelihood, and they have developed a deep understanding of the sea and its inhabitants.


The history of Te Kohanga is closely intertwined with the history of the Kohangan people. The island has been inhabited for thousands of years, and the people have developed a deep connection to the land and the sea.
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Geographic Details
Location: Southern Region
Latitude: 11.49 degrees South
Longitude: 0.7 degrees East 
Average Elevation: 71 ft
Highest Point: 101 ft
Lowest Point: 0 ft
Area: 150 sq mi


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